What are you playing during Coronapocalypse?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Indy, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    If you’re actually reading my posts, that’s kind of on you.
    emainvol and utvol0427 like this.
  2. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I’m only 50 hours in so it will be a little bit before I can read all that.

    First time you go to Gold Saucer did not disappoint
  3. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

  4. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    [uck fay] yeah I am

    Although 50 hours in a little over a month is a ton for me.

    Hell it took me a full ass month to finish The Last of Us 2 and that was what? 20 hours?
  5. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    100 hours is a long ass game.
    emainvol likes this.
  6. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I’ll say this much, between this and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth (and probably Persona 3 Reloaded), I’m certainly getting my money’s worth this year on these JRPGs
  7. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    I’m all for more play time when the content is good.

    What’s your vibe on the combat in rebirth? As I’ve gotten later into the games and started dealing with the more “challenging” fights, one thing I’ve not enjoyed is how it feels like prep is the only way to win. By that, I mean how certain fights are basically impossible… unless you have immunity to fire (or some similar setup). And once you have that, the fight is easy. That’s a really stupid set up, imo.
  8. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I think that the majority of RPGs I’ve enjoyed playing have done that to some extent

    As much as I enjoyed 16, sometime the combat was just way too easy. I rarely ever played a fight that really challenged me, and the ones that did I think I just leveled a bit and then was able to more or less brute force it.

    Combat seems reasonably deep without going overboard, to me. There are some fights where you absolutely have to use synergy or learn the fight to complete of the objectives, and then they throw you some kind of mechanical curveball and you have to learn a new way to fight. I think it more or less mimics the idea of getting stronger as you get more experienced. But I’m only about halfway through the game so my feelings could change.

    My biggest gripe though is the same gripe I have with pretty much any story-driven open world game (and very similar to one you have). That is, pacing is just always going to suffer because of the necessity of having things to do in that open world.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2024
  9. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Finished it. 120 hours. Not really sure what I think about the story. Definitely feels a bit stuck up its own ass.

    Guess I’ll have to wait til you finish it before I can really discuss what I like and don’t like. See you in a month, I guess. Lol
  10. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst


    It's really dumb to me that, in a game that was supposed to be a "remake," someone has to "study the ending and the storylines that lead up to it over and over to make sense of it all." It's a 120 hour [uck fay]ing game. Forcing someone to spend 120 hours playing a game, and then additional hours reviewing cut scenes just to make sense of what's going on is just bad business.
  11. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    I'm going to spoiler this because I don't want to [uck fay] anything up for @emainvol , but the dude in this video is [uck fay]ing hilarious to me.

    "In this remake trilogy, they are spamming the [uck fay] out of sephiroth... he's a pain in the ass in this game... Sephiroth is like signifier that the story is about to jump the shark. Sephiroth becomes annoying as [uck fay]. This dude is a complete asshole. Every time he pops up, he's there to [uck fay] the story up, which he does. Because we always get introduced to a new segment that never happened in the game."

    55:20 mark - "And then it causes so many changes to the plot, where Cloud, getting manipulated by Sephiroth, and he attacks Tifa, even after Tifa proved that - Nigga! I am Tifa! Motha [uck fay]a, I showed you the scar!"
  12. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Cosmo Canyon and the Avalanche flashbacks hit me right in the feels
  13. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    You ever gonna finish that shit?
  14. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Still working on it, I’m in Nibelheim, it’s been a slow month.
  15. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    Now that working career is over I am ready to take up gaming again. Just received my PS5 today.
  16. utvol0427

    utvol0427 Chieftain

    Just in time for the new college football this summer.
  17. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Game was great, I did decide to just go ahead and finish the story when I got about 70 hrs in, so I still have a fair amount of stuff to go back and do (side quests, pirates loot thing, etc.). So I think my clear file is at about 84 hours give or take.

    It more or less played out the way I thought it would. It’s a little convoluted but if you are going to continue what you set in motion in the first game that’s not really surprising. I don’t know if I need to spoiler tag things or not, I think Indy and I were the only ones that played it or will play it
  18. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Yeah, I can't imagine anyone in here will care about the spoilers.

    Curious to hear what you thought about all of it.
  19. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I’ll spoiler tag anyway

    I thought the main plot point we all were waiting for was handled well from a standpoint of their making it emotionally impactful. As it happened I wasn’t sure, but then when you take down Sephiroth and they run you back through the main “Aerith is dead” universe, it landed for me.

    I think they also did a good job of making me care about characters I have already known for years. Fleshing them out the way they did was really cool to see.

    I actually wanted more of the Zack storyline. It definitely did leave that open for more.

    The IGN article you linked talked about the different versions of Stamp. I caught that at the end with the Aerith date scene. I am a sucker for little details like that in stories with diverging timelines. So I thought that was cool.

    Gameplay was pretty great the whole way, although the very last Sephiroth fight kicked my ass several times. I finally had to go back and change my whole setup to beat him. That was annoying as hell, as was not being able to skip the cutscene directly before the final final battle. If I were them I would definitely fix that on an update. If you are going to have like a 10 stage final boss, all with different party setups and featured mechanics, you should have more than just the one opportunity in the middle to make changes.

    That said, combat on the whole was challenging and generally rewarding. I felt like the game did a good job with the progression of fight mechanics, and the summon fights in particular were all fun and interesting

    Most of the mini games were fun. A few were very dull. The Gold Saucer play minigame and the Junon parade minigame were particularly fun. Chocobo Flight was awful. And somewhat related, I thought level design in Gongaga was unnecessarily obtuse, particularly because of the chocobo mushroom jump things.

    Some people are gonna hate the story. I think it’s good but it REALLY needs to stick the landing, however, you could say that about just about any epic story. I do agree to some extent with the Sephiroth spam comments. But that’s a different conversation altogether. I also think it’s a symptom of modern audiences needing their hands held.

    I enjoyed it the whole time I played it aside from a relatively minor gripe with the clunky ass Gongaga region and the way the fight at the end was laid out and handled, but even in that fight I enjoyed it when I finally beat it.

    Was definitely worth my entertainment dollar. I don’t like putting number scores on stuff til I’ve had time to marinate in the overall product a little bit, but it’s probably gonna be high.
    Last edited: May 1, 2024 at 6:31 PM
  20. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I can see we disagree on how the characters were presented.

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