What are you playing during Coronapocalypse?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Indy, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    Definitely play it on PC. You can use the controller to wonder the world if you so desire while switching to mouse and keyboard for combat. I use mouse and keyboard at all times and have no issues with it. I would imagine console would be layers of radial menus, which sounds awful.
  2. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst


    Ring of Timely Assistance
    Ring of Timely Focus
    Ring of Timely Strikes

    Literally had all 3 equipped for the entirety of the game.
  3. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I used Timely Focus the whole game, and loved it because it meant I didn’t have to try to learn every animation to parry/dodge. I didn’t like Strikes as much because I wanted more granular control over my combos. Don’t think I used Assistance at all
  4. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Literally forgot there was a way to control Torgal until I looked up what Assistance does.

    Focus is what, to me, makes the game easy. Part of me wishes the game was harder and recognizes that removing Focus would make it so, but the other part of me has no interest in trying to figure out what motions are actually attacks from every opponent. Focus feels like something that should either be forced for the entire game or not included at all. Once you use it for an extended period, I feel like playing the game without it would be nearly impossible.

    Strikes has gotten on my nerves at times (using my big attacks to finish off small monsters and what not), but I can't be bothered to learn all the combos.
    emainvol likes this.
  5. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    @emainvol my patience with FF16 is waning. The game has not continued down the very strong path on which it began.

    At one point, during the fight with Ultima, Clive looked up and yelled “What the hell are you talking about!?” And I thought to myself “that’s what I’m saying!”

    I’ll post my complete thoughts after I finish the game, hopefully this weekend.
  6. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    After reading about all the positive changes with this 2.0 update for Cyberpunk, I decided to hop back in. Everything online suggests starting a new save file, so I was 100% on board with that.

    Then I saw I have FIFTY hours on my prior game, and now I’m not sure I can be bothered to completely restart…
  7. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Super Mario Wonder is pretty awesome
    Volsdude likes this.
  8. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    Anybody messed around with the quest 3? Haven’t jumped into VR yet but getting tempted. I’ve seen NBA/MLB games starting to be available in VR and imagine MLS is close behind with apples new headset. I think it’d be so cool to watch a World Cup game like that.
  9. KyleAlexanderfan

    KyleAlexanderfan Well-Known Member

    Not yet but I will be buying it at some point in the next year. Still not enough VR support out there but have enough friends on board where it will be worth it to me even with the very limited library.
    Volsdude likes this.
  10. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    If you have game pass do yourself a favor and play roboquest. It’s like doom met borderlands and they had a roguelike baby. Absolute blast. Excellent for coop as well. Just beat it with a buddy.
  11. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I am a big JRPG nerd and this month is the best month in a long time for them

    Star Ocean Second Story R
    Super Mario RPG remake
    Persona 5 Tactica
    Like a Dragon Gaiden (action oriented but I’ve always counted the series as JRPG)

    Then beginning of next year we get Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, Final Fantasy 7 Reunion, and the Persona 3 Remake. Then in April the Suikoden remakes

    Guess I’m gonna weeb out for the next several months
    Volsdude likes this.
  12. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    Had buddies growing up that were obsessed with jrpgs. I just never developed the patience, but I’m going to play super Mario rpg at some point so I may need to consult you if it hooks me.

    backlog is also disgusting. Elden ring, Sekiro, Jedi survivor, soon to be baldurs gate, finishing starfield at some point, TotK, Metroid prime remastered, and rabbids spark of hope
    emainvol likes this.
  13. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    My backlog has been a nightmare for about a decade now
    Volsdude likes this.
  14. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    Super Mario RPG thus far has been a pretty faithful remake. They made some minor gameplay changes and replaced “cut scenes” with FMV renders but has been really good so far.
  15. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Still haven’t opened Elden Ring. Never opened Last of Us II, and now I’ve read they’re doing a PS5 remake. Probably going to buy Baldur’s Gate and Starfield for Black Friday, assuming they go on sale.
  16. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    I wouldn’t be in too much of a rush on starfield if you’re picky with your money. It’s fine, I loved it to start, but the more I get into it the more bored I get. I think it’s something I’ll play between games for the next year to just piddle with.
  17. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    I’m not picky with my money. Biggest question is what system to buy it on. Everyone says PC, but I know I’ll be more likely to play it if I get it on one of the consoles.

    I always end up reverting back to Apex or GTA anyway.
    Volsdude likes this.
  18. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Starfield [uck fay]ing sucks. BG3 is great.
    emainvol likes this.
  19. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I haven’t played BG3 yet but i agree that Starfield sucks

    I gave it about 8 hours, was bored out of my mind the entire time
  20. JohnnyQuickkick

    JohnnyQuickkick Calcio correspondent

    Kinda glad to hear that about Starfiekd

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