Just Twitter speculation right now. But I wouldn't be shocked The stuff that is going to come out on Butch isn't going to pretty once the ax does fall.
Is there a benefit to deciding to leave now versus waiting to see if Butch is fired and who his replacement is?
Wouldn't be surprised if this is true given the current circumstances and Hubbs semi-backing it. Brick by brick.
[youtube]04F4xlWSFh0[/youtube] One of these days, people like the douchebag coward "poster" that likes to pop in when something not terrible happens but won't show his face in times like these might actually listen to us rather than label us the Legion of Miserables of UT football. But probably not. Better to rule blind allegiance than serve the truth, eh?
So, can we officially say that publicly, the wheels have come completely off? He should have been fired last week.