Since it looks like we now have a season, the fantasy baseball link is below. I've left in Balkers and Tygs since those teams always join, but let me know if someone wants out. Everyone else click the below link to join: https://baseball.fantasysports.yaho...a0c058207e0&soc_trk=lnk&ikey=518427423a271461
FYI whoever is Big Swingin' Hicks, I would suggest adding another pitcher or two because there's a 30 IP minimum per week. Otherwise you'll automatically lose the 5 pitching categories for not meeting the minimum
Running it back, and link is below for those who want to join. I've included Balkers and Tygs already, but let me know if either of you wants out as well. Join my Yahoo Sports Fantasy Baseball league, Fake Field of Dreams
Renewing this league, but let me know if anyone wants out. Draft is currently set for Monday, 3/18 at 9pm ET (first game is 3/20) but I'm open to other draft times as well.
We have a few people for whom Sunday works better than Monday, but it's also St. Patrick's Day. For now the draft is set for Sunday, March 17 at 9pm ET but @Duckman and others let me know if that works
FYI I had a couple more people today say Sunday is better, so it will be next Sunday night as noted in the post immediately above this one. Just flagging so you hopefully see this before then