Mostly. Like I mentioned in another thread, I believe the administration is going to do what it wants and make the courts stop it, a little like a brute force attack on the constitution and rule of law.
Couple people will disagree and that’s fine but imo I don’t care where they send a rapist/pedo/murderer. Locked up abroad is a good show. Send them to some of those prisons.
You probably would not find many that disagree with you if all those in jail were rapist/pedo/murderers. However that is only 17% of those incarcerated.
Even if a dual citizen I don't see how you could legally send someone to another country's prison for a law you broke here. Unless they are waiting extradition, but that would be for a law broken in the other country. Not serving time in El Salvador for breaking an American law. It's interesting how quickly people are willing to sell their soul for a "win" though.
That's also assuming all 17 percent of those people are good convictions. We know our criminal justice system is far from batting 1.000.
Ha. You think there are souls? I am reading Canadians and Mexicans high fiving each other for standing up to Trump and him backing down when all they offered were things they were already going to do, and then trump supporters crowing and back slapping over "dominating" and being "superior" (their words) to our allies to the north and south. They don't seem to realize that all we really go out of this was relabeled from "friend" to "untrustworthy assholes" and that this will have medium and long term consequences. But you know, I am just some dipshit 8thmaxim poster who thinks he knows everything about everything. I am sure there are more clever people that see the benefits and virtues of being a bully to friends and neighbors.
that’s fine but repeat offenders commit crimes and “rule of law” sends them back on the streets to hurt more people. I don’t care what happens to them.
I realize our Commander in Chief is already worse than Hitler, but on this particular matter I think we should wait to see if he actually acts on this seemingly unprompted offer from El President del Salvador.
Don't really have too much of a problem of sending those that aren't supposed to be here there if they are violent criminals. Not cool on American citizens though. Then again, the hysteria over the El Salvardor president presenting this and as far as I know the US has said nothing is comical.
Many, Many things. Very productive talks or so I've understood. (I'm not sure sarcasm can be read through the interwebz though lol)