POLITICS The Biden Presidency

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by emainvol, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

  2. HCKevinSteele

    HCKevinSteele Well-Known Member

    zehr27 likes this.
  3. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

  4. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    They're free to ask, he is free to answer however. And ya, they are [ussies pay] who will say that to uncle Joe but won't to Trump because he might say something that gets his fans to act. The independence of the press doesn't compel anyone to respond the way the press wants.
  5. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    I want tough questions but gotcha questions or softballs is all we seem to get anymore.
  6. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    I’m having a hard time buying that the press is afraid of Trump. They’ve been ripping him to shreds ever since he came down that escalator.

    Some might be hesitant to get into a back and forth with him, because few are going to be able to handle that.
  7. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    The press doesn't want to get in a battle of one liners with him, but if they're say they're "scared of his people" they're just shit stirring chickenshits.
  8. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    To his face, they are in my opinion. That's all it is, I may just think they don't ask him the right (substantive) questions either.
  9. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Trump drags people into a shit talking contest and he's great at those, I agree
  10. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    But that’s them being afraid of immediate humiliation, not the eventual retaliation of nutjob followers. If that were a valid concern, there’d already be bodies everywhere.
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I didn't say killed. There are many people who have been harassed and had their lives upturned by overzealous folks. Those two ladies in GA sued and won over it, for example. But a journalist would have to just eat it.
  12. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Jon Stewart sure did.
    zehr27 and justingroves like this.
  13. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Why isn't anyone calling for Biden to resign? Why is the economy no longer mentioned? Why is all the focus on Biden's age when the other guy is 4 years younger, a felon, and has been evading legal responsibility for a host of crimes?

    I swear to God, we are in a collective social experiment where people have no attention span or critical thought. I am now thinking this is about creating a horse race spectacle for views and clicks, consequences ignored.
  15. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    You're just now thinking this?
  16. HCKevinSteele

    HCKevinSteele Well-Known Member

    All of the focus is on his age because apparently it took an awful debate performance to wake much of the media elite up to the fact that the President is barely cogent.

    I don’t think you appreciate how big of a story it is. The biggest scandal in the White House since…..?

    Keeping the world from knowing or fully realizing how bad off the President was required what was essentially a wide ranging conspiracy.
  17. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Have you been living under a rock the past few weeks?
    HCKevinSteele likes this.
  18. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Is all of NATO in on it now?
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    No, I mean from the Presidency.
  20. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    You haven't heard a single person say he should step down as President? Or talk about the 25th amendment?

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