I'm here for a fight (aka HendersonVol's Pathetic Attempt to be a Badass)

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by WM, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

  2. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Yes, mocking someone and serious inquiry are completely similar.

    To be clear, though, if someone here tells you to shove it up your ass, they aren't really wanting to know whether or not you are shoving "it" up your ass... they are, in fact, making fun of you.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2011
  3. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    It would be the first hilarious thing I've ever seen from Sab. Which means I can't imagine such a scenario.
  4. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    So your brother is posting in a thread started by jtrain and gets responses from jtrain. That's a tad different than reading a guy's name on Rivals, hunting him down on twitter, and chatting him up to exchange computer art for recruiting info.
  5. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Not possible to do. The next amusing, clever, or raunchily funny thing Sabs posts will be the first.
  6. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    So did your brother actually have anal sex with this chick or even consider for one second that jtrain seriously was recommending it?
  7. lylsmorr

    lylsmorr Super Moderator

    Shithead is still here? Crap...
  8. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Meh. Minor detail. They've obviously had some prior banter and your brother (smart as he is) surely knew jtrain and others would more than likely read anything he posted there.
  9. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    What are you, gay?
  10. egotistical

    egotistical New Member

    How did Pooch find this place?
  11. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Not comparable situations. Your brother, who probably long since tired of having a dolt for a brother, seemed to be fine interacting with JT. I hope you choke to death on your dinner.
  12. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Pretty sure a few people will be at Calhoun's Friday. You might not be invited, though.
  13. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Tell your brother about it though. And tell him to dress sexy.
  14. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    I see no need for defense. Merely pointing out the difference in two willing participants conversing in a forum versus one guy seeking out another.
  15. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    As opposed to the dipshit mentality it takes to wander from board to board, proving yourself to be an ignorant jackass. We win, you lose.
  16. NYY

    NYY Super Moderator

    Last edited: Sep 7, 2011
  17. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    For you, I'm a huge fan of option 2. Let's be honest. You're just another loser misfit who tries to attach himself to every board in site to belong to something. If all you've got is this idiocy, you should go back to V,B. Better yet, you can go tell idiots like milo, bill, and pj at VN how you so courageously stood up to us over here. Hell, they'll probably even let you hang out with Eric and Sabs. You'd be in your intellectual element.
  18. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Sorry dude, that shit is just hilarious.
  19. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Having mod powers myself now, it shocks me that no one at VN ever brought down the banhammer on this guy.
  20. bigpapavol

    bigpapavol Chieftain

    clearly. The clever stuff about someone's joke being pedo driven is just allsome.

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