2022-23 NCAA OD thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by wounded mullet, Sep 10, 2021.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    That may have been an addition where you couldn't recruit players as good as on the teams initially. I think it was. Like if you ran a dynasty 6 years, the overall of all the teams would be noticeably lower and only a few teams could maintain a 90's sort of rating.
  2. Duckman

    Duckman Chieftain

    NCAA 2009 (Season 4) - A Look Back
    • Harry "resigns" from the Florida job midway through the season, but not before leaving posting a 50-0 mark during his 3.5 seasons with the Gators. Notable wins this year included a 28-11 victory over Tennessee (Duck) and a 49-23 route of LSU (Jewbaccah). Harry remains the only user in these that has ever had an undefeated record during the entire length of an online dynasty.
    • Tennessee beats South Carolina in a key late season matchup and ends up going to Atlanta, marking the only season in NCAA 09 where Florida was not the SEC East's representative in the Georgia Dome.
    • The Vols lost highly touted sophomore QB James Davis for the year after a shoulder injury against Alabama. Veteran signal caller Nick Stephens would take over under center for the rest of the year.
    • IP (Auburn) has a solid year and makes it back to Atlanta, marking their 2nd appearance in the SEC Championship in 4 years
    • Tennessee narrowly beats Auburn in the SEC Title and goes on to win the national championship. This remains the only national championship that I have ever won in the "mainline" dynasties.

    • Notable Additions
      • Flowingaway (Georgia)
      • Jewbaccah (LSU)
      • Big Daddy Vol (Arkansas)
    I did not have a record of the final top 25 this year.

    IP likes this.
  3. Duckman

    Duckman Chieftain

    A Look Back - State of the Leaderboard (post NCAA 09). Coming this week / weekend, we dive into NCAA 10 AKA The Beginning of the Volball Dynasty. Surely a good time to be had by all.


    Attached Files:

  4. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Yeah, not sure anything pre-Volball really counts, tbh.
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Not like you have a say in that. I'm telling you, no one was beating those Florida speed players in 2009. I played against all the cheese and many versions of Volball. This was right there as uncounterable. You just had to hope Harry was sleepy or bored.
  6. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    That's fine. I remember Volball's dominance being skill based. The Harry stuff sounds like the game, to me. You're even saying yourself, "those Florida speed players." That sounds like Harry taking advantage of a game mechanic, rather than going undefeated multiple years based on his own skill level.

    To be clear, I'm not trying to say Harry cheated or abused anything. Just sounds like a dude with a 100 rated squad pounding a bunch of 68 rated squads.
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Harry is a run-oriented player and the game and team was set up well for that. Volball is a defense stick skills-oriented player and several of the games set up well for that. Had the two faced off in 2009, I do think Harry with that Florida team wins. Each game is a different game.
  8. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    2009 was also a year that short yardage/goal line was almost impossible to defend if the offense didn't overthink it. FB dive was going to get a yard no matter what you did unless they fumbled. QB sneak could be timed, but you'd have to sell out in a way that made you very vulnerable to a PA rollout. It was not a well balanced game.
  9. VB

    VB Member

    I don’t really remember much of 2009 version. I’ve honestly always felt like this game had a counter to any sort of recurrent play style. Partly why I’ve enjoyed the game so much. Maybe there wasn’t much of a counter to the speed players in that game but feel like there had to be something to be done. Harry never ran anything deeper than 10 yards down the field that wasn’t a TE corner which narrows the focus playing at MLB. He ran a ton of screens which was easy to blow up with user.
  10. VB

    VB Member

    10 years later, did people genuinely think I cheesed the game?
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I didn't say that. If the chedderhead fits, wear it though
  12. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    IP, a [uck fay] Auburn man? Did you burn your console after every game? Did you burn the house down you were playing in when the season was over?

    Did you atone with God?
  13. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    When you end up with auburn as your best available, you come to terms with there being no god
    InVolNerable and NorrisAlan like this.
  14. Duckman

    Duckman Chieftain

    Going to start posting a few of these seasons a few at a time since we did so many in '10-'13/14. Anyway....

    A Look Back - NCAA 10 (Seasons 1-3) (Seasons 2-3 to be posted tonight)

    Season 1 Re-visited (NCAA 2010)
    • This is the first season of Volball in of the league. He would user pick his way to an SEC and NCAA Championship with the Ole Miss Rebels, which would essentially become this edition's version of the NCAA 2009 Gators.
    • This is also the game where I took Kentucky for what would be 8 seasons. Still not sure if I would pick differently looking back on it to be honest.
    • Early season drama. This was the season where Scribbley's Tide lost to Kentucky on a would be TD that came up literally inches short of the goal line as time expired. Still one of the best games I have played.
    • Skullgrind was the king of close games this season. He won on a FG against KY, Georgia, and LSU and narrowly came up short 21-17 against Ole Miss.
    Notable additions:
    • Bburger (Georgia)

  15. Duckman

    Duckman Chieftain

    Baseball craziness delayed posting last night.

    Season 2 Re-visited (NCAA 2010)
    • CPU Oklahoma wins the national championship this season, marking the first time the computer has won a natty this in the dynasty.
    • Bassman gets revenge on Volball and wins his first SEC Championship.
    • This was the year that TheRequiem, Volball's cello player friend, joined and then was "infamously" booted awkwardly in party chat a few weeks later.
    • At the end of the regular season, Tennessee (Harry) led the nation in rushing, Ole Miss (Volball) led the nation in fewest yardage and points allowed, and Skull (Auburn) led the nation in rushing yards allowed.
    • The nation's top 3 quarterbacks in terms of passer rating at the end of the regular season? Ole Miss's Jevan Snead, Auburn's Kodi Burnes, and Florida's John Brantley.
  16. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    I'd like to hear more about TheRequiem. Sounds like @CardinalVol's friend TMac that came here for all of 2 weeks before getting run off.
    Duckman and NorrisAlan like this.
  17. Duckman

    Duckman Chieftain

    Season 3 Re-visited (NCAA 2010)
    • Big Train or Big "Stain" (as Harry liked to call him) joins the dynasty this year.
    • Scribbley gets a signature win against Harry (Tennessee) this year beating the Vols 31-14.
    • There was major glitch in the last week of this season where user game results were not uploaded correctly and instead re-simulated. This led to Volball's Rebels getting stuck with a loss to Miss St. and getting knocked out of the National Championship race. The lucky beneficiary of this? Scribbley, who backdoored into the National Championship game and hijacked the BCS Trophy away from everyone. Ironically enough, this was also the only time that Alabama ever "won" a national championship (*) in these.

    Notable departures
    • Bburger (Georgia)
    Notable additions
    • Teriyaki Weiner (LSU)
    • Big Train (South Carolina)
    IP likes this.
  18. Duckman

    Duckman Chieftain

    Pretty sure @govols182 (Harry) could tell you all about him

    InVolNerable likes this.
  19. VB

    VB Member

    Totally forgot he joined. The dynasty is truly unbelievable
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    This was the biggest asterisk of any of the dynasties, re: backdooring over all the other sec teams into the national championship without even playing in the conference championship

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