Thought I would get the discussion going of what we want the final product to play like. Obviously the retail version (RV) will play different than the demo but impressions is the title of the thread. I like the game speed set to slow or very slow, seems to play at a more realistic speed on those settings. (Default setting is Normal) Player speed threshold turned down to at least 40. At the default setting I'm seeing DEs run down my RB or even RG3 on planed roll out plays. Obviously DEs can run these guys down but they have to use angles like in real life. I also don't want to see speed guys caught from behind. This is a tricky number to pick out because you also don't want the game to have too much emphasis on speed. I believe the Raiders have proved that the NFL can't be handicapped by fast 40 times alone. (For those not familiar the lower that setting the faster players are at their fastest on 0 and default is 50.) I wish the CPU could run the ball more effectively but I've heard other people can't stop the CPU run. I'll have to play more and see if I'm still shutting it down with ease or not. I like to change the remaining play clock to 15sec from the default 10sec. Just seems too rushed from the break of the huddle.
Didn't think it sucked, but was underwhelmed. The engine looks cool at times, but other times pretty awful and goofy. There are some plays where players are flying all over the place.
In all honesty Cat, what does MAdden do (besides Infinity) that NCAA doesnt? I think they play pretty similarly actually.
Don't really understand the complaints toward NCAA's gameplay this year. It's nowhere near that bad IMO.
I havent played NCAA 13 but 12 wasnt very good. I thought madden was a much better game in 12. I like the demo also like the settigs you suggested.
I mean its still football so of course things are similar, but the player movements, blocking, and tackling is much better in M13 IMO. Some people like the AA better, thats fine, Its just grown tremendously stale for me imo. The newer passing mechanic is better this year in AA, but that is one of the very few improvements.
I honestly can't tell a ton of difference between Maddens' passing system and NCAA's, especially after the patch in NCAA. JMO, though. I think they play pretty similar, minus the Infinity engine that Madden got this year.
the passing system is very similar.....that is just about it imo. I especially noticed a difference while in the demo running the ball with Frank Gore and then running the ball with Brandon Jacobs. Between the tackles, Jacobs was a beast and as long as I had my pads square, he was extremely tough to bring down. I tried running like that with Gore and wasn't successful. These are just my opinions about the two games. But in no way am I telling anyone to buy the game, just so we are clear.