Murray state wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Sports' started by VOLFREAK11, Dec 11, 2011.


    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    I'm a Murray State student and we just beat Memphis 76-72. Good day to be a Racer!!!!!!!!!

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    How much did you make? A friend posted on fb that we're ranked #24 now but I couldn't find it on espn.

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    Not bad! I don't blame you for taking it, I saw the line was -10.5. What website do you use?

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    Oh ok I wasn't sure if you used a website, I need to find someone. I've got a buddy at school who uses bodog but I don't know about using my card on a website.

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    Yeah I may do that if I see a game with a line I think is crazy. How has the government not zapped them?

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    Any games you see coming up you think are a for sure win?

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    Well we are ranked #24 in the AP polls. In the USA Today coaches poll we're like 27th, I don't know how the hell Vandy got ranked over us.

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    Yeah I figured thats why but hell they have lost 3 games and we're undefeated with a win over a solid Memphis and beat the shit out of a good Dayton team.

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    [uck fay] the rankings. You know the tournament is all that matters.
  11. 7thgroupvolfan

    7thgroupvolfan New Member

  12. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Speaking of Murray State, what ever became of Popeye Jones? One of two players to spend a lot of time in the league that I got to see play in high school. A 6'9 guy playing center in A ball was unstoppable.
  13. 7thgroupvolfan

    7thgroupvolfan New Member

  14. VOLFREAK11

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    I know the tourny is all that matters. It is the first time an OVC team has been ranked in 13 years though.
  15. VOLFREAK11

    VOLFREAK11 New Member

    I believe he got drafterd in the early 90's and played a few seasons in the league, I have no clue what he is doing now.

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