I thought I'd call some attention to my new blog entry. I laid low for awhile since some of y'all were getting upset with my prognostications and opinions. Since my predicted loss to Florida came true and you guys can see I was right and know what I'm talking about, it seems like a good time to see if I can't fit here better now. Remember, I am predicting a big win on Saturday! Your thoughts on how best to properly honor Tennessee's greatest coach would be welcome in this thread.
We've already named the stadium after, and erected a statue to, UT's greatest coach. Don't think more needs to be done.
I find it hard to believe an actual Vols fan would belittle Neyland's accomplishments like the last 'vol' did.
man lastvol really went out on a limb and predicted something that no one else could see. regardless lastvol is still a joke
lastvol is slowly changing my view on abortion...............he's making a great case for why we need free choice
This is a joke...right? Well here's a joke...building a life size statue of Phil Fulmer would be prohibitively expensive.