The Last of Us - PS4

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by XXROCKYTOPXX, Sep 3, 2014.


    XXROCKYTOPXX Chieftain

    Got this game over the weekend and started playing it last night. It's definitely different. I didn't hear of it when it was released on the PS3 and the reviews between both were essentially that they took good graphics and made them better. I don't think the storyline is different though. It's a horror/adventure/survival game which is out of the norm for me in terms of the types of games I play. It won a lot of awards so I figured I would give it a try. Like I said, it's different but so far it's awesome. Have any of you guys played it before?
  2. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Banned


    XXROCKYTOPXX Chieftain

    Did you like it? It's different and that's what I like about it so far. I'm obviously not too far in it yet.
  4. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Banned

    It's the best story game of the year. Maybe last 5 years.
  5. Duckman

    Duckman Chieftain

    Played it last summer and was my personal game of the year. The storyline is fantastic. They're supposedly making a movie out of it in the near future.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014

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