Tyson Helton

Discussion in 'Vols Football' started by NEW COACH, Sep 1, 2018.


    NEW COACH Contributor

    Looks like shit already. Guarantano has been [uck fay]ing sharp all game and you run on 2nd and 11 down by 3 touchdowns for -2 yards? [uck fay] that bull shit.
  2. BigOrangeBeech

    BigOrangeBeech Poster of the Month, July 2014 and recruiting guy!

    Other than that call and a few others, I've been somewhat pleased with the offense.

    The defense just sucks right now. Like bad.

    NEW COACH Contributor

    14 points against this defense is [uck fay]ing pathetic.
  4. BigOrangeBeech

    BigOrangeBeech Poster of the Month, July 2014 and recruiting guy!

    I didnt say we were setting the woods on fire. Certainly not great, but I expected the defense to be a little better. We suck everywhere on that side of the ball.
  5. justingroves

    justingroves supermod


    NEW COACH Contributor

    They handicapped JG all game. You’re not going to beat Will Grier by being scared to pass. WVU’s pass defense is trash.
  7. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Yes, offensive play calling lost this game
    warhammer likes this.

    NEW COACH Contributor

    Quit being a sarcastic [itch bay]. We weren’t going to win this game, but at least put up a damn fight. We knew WVU was going to put up points and Tyson Helton called plays like it was a 10-7 game. JG carves up that defense for 350 yards if they let him loose, they [uck fay]ing suck.
  9. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

  10. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    It was a 13-7 game.
  11. BigOrangeBeech

    BigOrangeBeech Poster of the Month, July 2014 and recruiting guy!

    So if we throw it around a little more it may have been 40-28. Guess that make you feel better about the 600 yards we gave up on defense.
    Joseph Brant and justingroves like this.
  12. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    He's wanted to [itch bay] about Helton since his salary was released
  13. Volgrad98

    Volgrad98 Contributor

    Our defense was shit today. We got pushed around and looked lost.
  14. JT5

    JT5 Super Moderator

    I thought JG appeared to be composed, relatively sharp, made good reads and decisions.

    Don’t know why or how he was ever touted as dual-threat though.
    justingroves likes this.
  15. BigOrangeBeech

    BigOrangeBeech Poster of the Month, July 2014 and recruiting guy!

    I expected WVU to score points, and expected our young secondary to struggle. But I expected the LBs and DL to look better than they did. It was rough.

    NEW COACH Contributor

    Hell yeah it would make me feel better. Everyone knew WVU was going to score. We put up 14 [uck fay]ing points against [uck fay]ing WVU. Going to be a [uck fay]ing long season if you can only score 14 points against WVU.

    Our defense will be ok against a lot of teams on our schedule, but scoring 14 points against that pathetic defense is bull shit. That’s the best offense we’ll play all year but one of the worst defenses.
  17. BigOrangeBeech

    BigOrangeBeech Poster of the Month, July 2014 and recruiting guy!

    Yeah he doesnt look to run at all.
  18. Butthole

    Butthole Chieftain

    The game was lost in the trenches, which is surprising.
    utvol0427 likes this.
  19. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Ty Chandler will be back by UTEP, that will make a difference.
  20. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Ty Chandler will be back by UTEP, that will make a difference.

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