Unrealistic Expectations

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Tar Volon, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Tar Volon

    Tar Volon Me Blog @RockyTopTalk.com

    It drives me crazy to see holier-than-thou media folks (cough Rucker) bashing fans for having unrealistic expectations (like, to take a random example, the 2013-14 basketball team being a top 25 team). It always struck me as a bit hypocritical, because the same people freaking out about high expectations are the ones who helped create them.

    There is now data on the subject (re: NFL season win totals): http://linemakers.sportingnews.com/...-2014-schedule-predictions-vegas-sports-books
  2. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Folks tend to live up to the demands/expectations of their jobs if they want to keep them.

    That's the only reason Rucker is still employed as a sportswriter.
  3. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Don't get me started. Rucker should go root for Clemson.
  4. Tar Volon

    Tar Volon Me Blog @RockyTopTalk.com

    Well Rucker is allegedly not rooting for anybody. But it's not the expectations that bother me (at least not that bother me most), it's the hypocrisy. He consistently tells fans in preseason that things aren't as bad as they think and that there's some real talent and the team can win games, and then later in the season, when the team is not winning games, he says the talent just isn't there, it's not the coaches fault, and fans who expected more are irrational.

    I imagine Rucker is not alone in this, he's just the most obvious example. This article suggests that people covering a team almost always overrate them in preseason. But if you're overrating a team, you really ought not censure fans for overrating the same team.
  5. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Cover, whatever. Point remains. I agree with you.
  6. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

  7. DarthVisor

    DarthVisor Active Member

    Rucker is an over-opinionated sack of shit, imo.
  8. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    expectations are the problem remember.
  9. For the most part, expectations should be set in stone. The problem is that fans want to go back and say "well, so-and-so was better/worse than we thought, so..".

    If the football team only wins 4 I don't want to hear about how bad it is not-because of Butch and if they go bowling I don't want to hear how they should have done better because whatever.
  10. dknash

    dknash Chieftain

    Finished in the Top 25, tough to get much more realistic than actual.
  11. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    wait so what happens during the year shouldn't get someone to modify their expecations? so if lebron james gets injured i should still expect a championship if i'm a miami fan?
  12. DarthVisor

    DarthVisor Active Member

  13. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex


    (Not you, per se. Miami fans in general)
  14. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Right square.
  15. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    That's an extreme example. I think he's referring to the portion of the fanbase who will seemingly bend over backwards to find excuses for sucking.

    "Dooley inherited a mess. And then he had some injuries. He just needs more time."
  16. That's why I put for the most part.

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