Maggit is a Vol because of Dan Quinn and the Gators' recent arrest record. Curt's father, Roosevelt, said Quinn disrespected his house by propping his feet up on the coffee table.
So wiping boogers under the couch cushions on visits is totally out of the question, then. Dang, krootin is hard.
funny that the writer implies it's a stupid reason to rule out Florida, but no way would I ever do that in a stranger's house. At a friend's house, only if he does it first. People eat off tables and all that. I'd agree that it's very disrespectful. Oh and Maggit is a friggin beast.
You hear stories similar to these where something that does seem like much of issue to one person, is extremely important to some one else.
Sounds like a dumbass mistake there. Seems trivial, but Good Lord, you're in someone else's house as a guest.