SHOCKING NEWS: Al Golden Has Been Fired

Discussion in 'Sports' started by kidbourbon, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    LA is a usc town primarily and UCLA was pretty shitty under neuheisal.
  2. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    cal brought a decent amount of fans to Knoxville.
  3. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    certainly miniscule compared to the south. total number of fans is rather large because of the population base.
  4. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    cal has no area for tailgating. we sold out the stadium for that game 72K
  5. JohnnyQuickkick

    JohnnyQuickkick Calcio correspondent

    We've been shitty for a long time and you can tell it's Saturday
  6. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    As many as UT did to Cal?
  7. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    No area for tailgating? That is stupid.
  8. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    They sure don't find their way to the Coliseum or the Rose Bowl when the teams aren't winning.
  9. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Has to be the largest concentration of bandwagon fans.
  10. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    I looked it up. the ucla game you attended had 4,000 less fans than the cal game.
  11. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    we have no parking. the city wants it that way. the school doesn't have much of a choice. there is limited tailgating for season ticket holders, but that's it.
  12. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    no. they won't pay for a shitty product.
  13. JohnnyQuickkick

    JohnnyQuickkick Calcio correspondent

    and probably 25,000 less than we'll have against North Texas
  14. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    trust me the bay area is far worse.
  15. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    stadium only holds 70K. I think I was pretty clear that we don't give nearly as much a shit as people in the south.
  16. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    Well, you can find things that live in a tree at the zoo, so...
  17. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    I got the impression that there were a lot of Asian kids.
  18. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    I've heard the paul finebaum comment about Miami being a bad job 250 times today. Everyone calls in saying this is the best job in the nation.
  19. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    They are idiots. Right now as things are it is an awful job IMHO.
  20. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    They aren't likely to spend money. They play their games 45 minutes from campus. Many in the university hierarchy would just as soon see football dropped. Not sure how that constitutes a good job.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015

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