POLITICS Random Political/Legal

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by fl0at_, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    justingroves likes this.
  2. JohnnyQuickkick

    JohnnyQuickkick Calcio correspondent

    I don’t get the drag show thing at all. Nothing at all about it appeals to me. Rather just be waterboarded a couple of hours.
  3. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Who all knew then?
  4. Poppa T

    Poppa T Vol Geezer

    I can easily believe that Trump wasn't told.

    I can also easily believe he was told and can shamelessly lie about not "knowing".

    I can also easily believe he was told, but did not pay attention and "forgot" he was told.
  5. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    That. Or just goes to show how within an apparatus as vastly massive as the Executive Branch of the US Federal Govt there's a lot of things that will never even make it to the desk of our POTUS. For instance, someone who I disagree with a lot politically yet find their perspective on Presidential politics in general interesting is ex-Obama senior WH advisor & CNN's David Axelrod. A theme he commonly harps on is how difficult and challenging it is for people high up in Presidential administrations to determine what does and does not need to be brought to the attention of any given President on a daily basis simply because it is impossible for a singular person to absorb all the never ending developments that technically fall under the tent of our executive branch. Still, you would think that stuff like Chinese spy balloons would be something that our Commander in Chief needs to at least be told about assuming it is true Trump was kept in the dark.
  6. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    FWIW, Trump's ex CIA director and Defense Secretary whom he had no problem publicly beefing and feuding with throughout his Presidency have disavowed yesterday's reports claiming any of this ever happened under Trump's watch. Regardless, this should not spin into a tit-for-tat partisan posturing blame game like some on both sides are predictably making this. I think for all the faults of both Biden and Trump, any neutral observer can rationally conclude that both administrations were/have been correctly harsher and more firm towards China compared to past Presidential administrations.
    NorrisAlan likes this.
  7. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    That's great and all, but no Republicans and few Democrats were/are willing to risk the political fallout of going after these churches too hard, whereas icky men in women's clothes? Shooting fish in a barrel, especially if you can connect them with children. I have yet to see laws regarding children and these places of rampant child molestation like the ones gracing the legislatures of states all over the country regarding drag shows. Once I hear of a case of drag show performers enticing underage kids into sex acts, then I'll register my concern. Until then, I see a lot of supposed inappropriate environments for kids, though with many of them misinterpreted or misrepresented. I don't see the need for extended discussions, moral panics, or legislation.
  8. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    What's the context, before I condemn or defend?
  9. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

  10. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Attacking churches/synagogues/mosques gets risky politically because of the political bases these institutions supply most politicians with on either side. Plus it gets hairy legally when you talk about religious institutions needing to start paying taxes and such. The whole sacred American tradition of separation of church/state, ect. I kinda see from a political gamesmanship POV why it’s taboo typically for politicians to go after religious institutions, whether I agree or disagree in theory.

    And as someone who mostly votes Rep, I’ve never seen the drag stuff as a practical and winning political position for “my side”. Although I definitely puke in my mouth when I see stuff on social media like children stuff tips into bras and asscracks of drag queens and am all for publicly shaming and bringing awareness to behavior such as that. But I’d feel that way too if I saw a child stuffing a tip into the boobies of a Hooters waitress. Regardless I don’t necessarily disagree that “my side” needs to view the drag stuff with a clearer and more proportional overall perspective. Just one of those imperfections you must deal with as a non-zealot Right Winger when you find yourself stuck in a binary two party system that forces you to ultimately vote for the one side that overall is closer to the POV that makes the most sense to you.

    To me ultimately new overreactive, widespread drag laws are flawed because sexually molesting/assaulting/exposing yourself to children is already illegal. Just look at our public schools for example. Every other day a teacher somewhere is getting popped for sexually molesting a minor. One could even indict our public school system overall as having a major problem with its teachers doing inappropriate things sexually with our children. However do we now need special and specific widespread laws aimed solely at preventing public school school teachers from having sec with children? I really don’t think so. Because sexual conduct with minors is already perfectly illegal in our society. Just how I see it ultimately
  11. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    But whatabout...
  12. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    That's fair. I am all for stopping child molestation at events. Is that occurring?
  13. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    How would I know?

    Let's blame Trump next.
  14. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    Not yet...
  15. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I don't follow
  16. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    I'm arguing about this supposed threat to children occurring, stating it isn't a problem and only done for social manipulations. If they truly were interested in the welfare of children, then there is a situation available for them to pursue. I get the whataboutism argument you are suggesting, but this is different, in my opinion, because I'm not trying to redirect from something in order to avoid discussing the merits of the criticism. I think the criticism lacks merit and is done in false pretenses.
  17. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    I do not understand the purpose of taking children to Drag shows or Drag reading hours for children in libraries.
    warhammer likes this.
  18. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    There's a local drag show in town this week people are getting worked up over out of concern for the kid Grooming thing. It's at 10pm on a Thursday night at a bar...

    I'm not going because it holds no appeal or interest to me, but whatever float your boat.
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Are kids allowed in bars at night?
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Seems like drag queens are taking the hit for something parents are doing. I don't get the "story time" stuff, but it isn't the same as a drag show. And if it is a show in a bar/club with alcohol being the primary revenue driver, then that is on the parents. Take away the drag queens, and that is parents taking kids to a bar for a show. That doesn't sound good either.
    SetVol13 and gcbvol like this.

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