The truth behind jmoore's brief enlistment was that he actually just missed the bus to boot. He was up late, late into the night creating his attention whore, 9/11 warrior, purple heart getting, please suck me off recruiting forum threads that he overslept and didnt make the bus ride to boot. He figured that since he was such a giant [ussy pay] that he would rather talk about his daydreams of battlefield glory rather than actually moving his fat ass out of bed. Thats what I was told anyway
He's screwing with you. You sleep in a crap hotel room, because you have to muster at MEPS in the morning, get your shiz together and catch a ride to the airport, where you are given a meal ticket and a pat on the ass. When you touch down, there is usually someone waiting to greet you with a few shouts of hurry the hell up, and then you stand in line for 4 hours waiting to process before taking another bus to boot. You then play pin the uniform on the donkey, call momma and spend your first 24 hours learning how to move heavy objects and fold linen. Others may have had a different experience, though...
jmoore mysteries. Will we ever know what really happened? No matter what, we do know that he's a moron. The truth is out there.
jmoore could've made quite a run in this tourney. It's a shame he's destined to meet Sexy Rexy. Rexy will be doing lines of blow during TV timeouts and cruising to that victory.