[YOUTUBE]erh2ngRZxs0[/YOUTUBE] I'm legitimately grossed out by this, and might never eat ice cream again.
Ice cream could be proven to cause cancer 100% of the time and I would still eat as much as possible.
I will say this for it - if part of advertising is to have the ads make a lasting impression, this one will certainly stick with me.
Yes, but the main focus of advertising is to get you to use the product/service. If I ever see a Little Baby's Ice Cream Shop, I'm running the other way.
Little Baby's Ice Cream doesn't exactly appeal to me as a name, either. "Man, I'm really craving some Little Baby's right now. Delicious."
After thinking on this further it does seem they are attempting to build a specific type brand with that name and apparent ad strategy... Little Baby's, the creepy as hell ice cream.