Christie: Paul should 'start cutting pork barrel spending

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by OrangeEmpire, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. 615 Vol

    615 Vol Chieftain

    Christie would destroy Rubio.
  2. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Bill & Hillary 2016!
  3. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    He'd eat him for lunch and look for seconds, that's for sure.
  4. OrangeEmpire

    OrangeEmpire Take a chance, Custer did

    My democratic dream team would be Bubba and Brereton Jones.
  5. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Billary 2016?!?!?!?
  6. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    I'm honestly not even worried about Hillary Clinton. I doubt she's even nominated.
  7. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    As my dad so often told me, "Hide and watch."

    Republicans are the only ones up in arms over Benghazi. And they have enough issues of their own with McCain claiming there's "a war for the heart and soul of the Republican Party" today. The fracture lines between the tea drinkers and the old guard GOP are just going to grow from here.

    Edit: I will qualify this by saying, if she decides to run.

    Joe Biden isn't going to beat her.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2013
  8. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    She hasn't aged well and she's going to be almost 70. That's going to be a problem for a democratic candidate.
  9. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    If Biden is the candidate, I'm taking a siesta
  10. lylsmorr

    lylsmorr Super Moderator

    A nap? You mean sabbatical?
  11. bigpapavol

    bigpapavol Chieftain

    That's the tenure track.
  12. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Neither did this guy. Wasn't a problem getting elected.


    But if you insist she's a no-go.....

    Chelsea 2016!
  13. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    i don't know, i think the country is pretty tired of her. she couldn't beat obama. that says something.
  14. OrangeEmpire

    OrangeEmpire Take a chance, Custer did

    My gut tells me that the voting public would still trust Hillary over the majority of what the GOP would throw out.
  15. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    probably, but i bet she doesn't win the democratic nomination.
  16. OrangeEmpire

    OrangeEmpire Take a chance, Custer did

    I think it will be a shit storm like 2004.

    What players are going to push Biden?
  17. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    you really think biden will run? I can't see it.
  18. OrangeEmpire

    OrangeEmpire Take a chance, Custer did

    How doesnt he?

    He likes to party and drink too much.
  19. UTgrad11

    UTgrad11 New Member

    I love how Christie criticizes Rand for imaginary "pork barrel spending," which Rand has never voted for AFTER he criticizes Rand for opposing the Sandy Bill BECAUSE IT INCLUDED A BUNCH OF PORK FOR ALASKAN FISHERIES. Christie is getting owned badly in this whole thing.

    I also love how Christie is the liberals' new favorite Republican pre general election, just like Romney and McCain before him. Gee, I wonder why?


    Maybe the guy leading in the primary polls as we speak?
  20. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    And these are the same people who say reagan would never get through the republican primaries.

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