A+ thread. When my step grandfather had to go to a nursing home due to dementia, he had a roommate that would sort of hum or sing to himself all the time, and if a sub 40 year old woman were around he would just casually begin groping her. They would laugh and gently push his hands off and give him a light scolding. The whole time he'd keep on humming/softly singing to himself. One time after he did this to an employee there in front of us, he looked over at me as I was slightly smirking and shaking my head. He winked at me and smiled for a second then went back into his "daze" and hummed again. Dude was a genius.
Clarification - the old men who hit on younger women, not recruitng junkies who like shirtless teenage boys.
Went to lunch and saw an older lawyer here in town call a waitress over. Stayed seating, gave her a hug, asked where she'd been and the entire conversation sat there and rubbed/patted her leg and ass. As shameless as I've ever seen. Twas all I could do to keep from laughing.
High fives all around? I have a friend who is married to a woman 30+ years younger. He looks like and sounds like the Dos Equis guy.