Elon Musk is in “Bonkersland”?

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Tenacious D, May 25, 2018.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Free speech for he, not for thee.

  2. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Tweets is still up and the guy has been tweeting pretty much non stop so it must have been a quick suspension or maybe and accident?
  3. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Don't know. A bunch of journalists were banned too.
  4. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Are they still banned? What did they do?
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Yes so far as I know; nothing that they know of. They are critical of Ackman and Musk.
  6. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Weird, what journalist?
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    They're back now, but Steven Monacelli, Ken Klippenstein, Alan MacLeod, and others. Not sure that the Brazilian ones are back yet.
  8. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Ugh. Why did they have to be reinstated already? Musk being an anti-free speech tyrant is such an important narrative that people everywhere need to accept.
  9. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You're doing a great job polishing his rocket. It's very shiny.
  10. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Did anyone from X confirm that were suspended? Could these people be claiming their accounts are shut down to stir the pot? Not saying that's what is happening but it seems weird they are getting suspended and the reestablished pretty much right away. Suspension are dumb. Imo
  11. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Says the guy who still actively uses his X account daily lol. mUsK iS a FrEe sPeEcH MoNsTeR
  12. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    It is not very effective to mock someone as if they said something they didn't. You don't even try.
  13. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Yes, Musk "looked into it" and they came back.
  14. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    About 60% of the was through this book.

    First, highly encourage all to read. Explains him well. Issacson is a good writer. And he has a whole lot of thoughts that at least make a lot of sense, and a lot I may start subscribing to. Second, the man lives for drama. It is literally fuel to his soul. I often wonder if some of this just isn't his need for confrontation that he starts these. Third, he's borderline multiple personality and this could be one of the versions of him that hates free speech while other parts of him love it.

    There is just simply to rhyme or reason to him.
    zehr27 likes this.
  15. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I'm assuming he was just yanking their chain, flexing his power.
  16. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Honestly, he probably got pissed off and reacted, then later either calmed down or someone that can talk to him calmed him down.

    I can somewhat understand why an apartheid reference would piss him off.
  17. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    Well at least in the end he did the right thing. Did he say what happened?
  18. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    “As if they said something they didn’t”…rich coming from you! There’s nothing wrong with people noticing how important Musk being proven as a free speech hypocrite is to you.
  19. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Nothing will ever be perfect, but at least Twitter/X has improved overall on the free speech aspect under Musk compared to the last regime who unquestionably were stifling free speech/expression to a much greater extent.
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator


    The Dooz likes this.

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