A common cheer is - "Go You Silver Britches" In 1964 Vince Dooley did away with them - “I did away with the silver britches because I didn’t like the cheer that was coming from, at the time, the students,” Dooley said. “They’d say, ‘Go, you silver britches’ but they’d say it so fast that it sounded bad.” They returned in 1980 http://redandblack.com/2008/10/03/go-you-silver-britches-a-uniform-tale/
I hate the red pants and thought they would have silver pants in the design. Just seems like it’s all Nike and not enough UGA. I like the gloves but their nothing new, Oregon has had those same type gloves for over 5 years now. Also the undershirt is pretty cool. Other than that their isn’t much too like about it and a uniform change is the last thing their coaches and players should be thinking about.
Don't be surprised when the other Power Rangers show up in Atlanta and form Megazord. Just hope and pray Tommy doesn't show up. Green or white, doesn't matter. When Tommy shows up, it gets real.