Lying to recruits

Discussion in 'Sports' started by 615 Vol, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Dick Huffman

    Dick Huffman Guest

    Buck Fitzgerald told me.
  2. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    I'm just really hoping that Dooley thought they could make it happen, found out they couldn't, and THEN didn't give a shit. I just can't believe even he would throw that out there with no intention of trying.
  3. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    It's [ddiapos]. I can believe anything that shows he's the pos that he is.
  4. 615 Vol

    615 Vol Chieftain

    He probably thought because he was [ddiapos] he could just make it happen by telling a GA to go handle it, after they washed his car, of course.

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