Next Gen Console Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by emainvol, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. I've got a PS4 on it's way, but I think I'm just going to sell it. I think I only know one person who is getting a PS4, and everyone else I know is sticking with Xbox. I've been on Xbox for almost 10 years now, so it'll be a easy transition onto the new console, I prefer the Xbox controller and I also like the fact that I can run my DirecTV straight into the Xbox and switch seamlessly between gaming and watching TV without ever having to change inputs or turn stuff off/on. The Kinect is pretty much worthless to me and it sucks I have no choice but to pay for it with the whole bundle, but oh well. The PS4 will probably be a slightly superior gaming device, but ultimately the fact that almost everyone I know is staying with Xbox is what will really make my decision.
  2. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

    That definitely makes me feel better. What I was reading was making it sound like basically all of them had problems.
  3. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    "Of course we're going with the PS4, they're blacker."
  4. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I'm 95% sure I'll stay 'Mercan with the xbox. I'm a dorkfish. I'm hopelessly addicted to the Halo series. I'm as wrapped up in the story as I am the gameplay. Dorkfish....

    However, I'll buy one when the price drops. It may be three years, but in addition to being a dorkfish, I'm also a patient cheap ass. More often than not, I'll squeeze a nickel 'til the buffalo shits.
  5. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    I've not played a game in over a year.
  6. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I'm a sucker for honesty. As further testament to my dorkfish status, I still play Rock Band. Regularly.

    In my defense, even my doctor says it's great exercise for my neuropathways. Know this: few 41, nearly 42, year-old guys with significant neurological delays can hit an ax like me.
  7. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Nothing wrong with that at all.

    I like first person shooters. I hardly ever play though unless its winter time and I'm snowed in though.
  8. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I love a good shooter game too. My playing habits are very similar. I lose all track of time playing games & will look up & it be 3 am on a work night if I play during the week. I play mostly on weekends, snow days, Christmas break & summer break.

    In '95ish, the wife left at 10 pm to pull a 11-7 shift. I was playing Star Wars: Rebellion on a 166mhz PC. She came back in a little while & I asked her if everything was ok or did they let her off early. That's when she told me that it was 8 am the next morning. Never play games in a windowless room.
  9. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    I'll play arkham origins eventually. I rarely play since I graduated college
  10. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Law or anyone else that got your PS4 yesterday, any problems? Mine is working just fine and everything looks great. Downloaded Resogun (think updated Gradius) for free with my PS+ subscription.
  11. govols182

    govols182 Honorary Mod

    How much is ps+?

    Can you download any game you want twice per month with the subscription or is it only ps's choice?
  12. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    49.99 a year, but they have been bundling it with some systems/games which knocks a bit of it off (got BF4 and PS+ along with the system for 499.90, so about 10 bucks off total, nothing big but you know, still discounted). I think it is PS's choice, but when I had a free month of it on PS3 they had all kinds of stuff. I imagine moving forward with the PS4 the same thing will happen.
  13. utvol0427

    utvol0427 Chieftain

    Got mine up and running last night. Played a couple of games of 2k14 and everything was running great. Haven't messed with PS+ or the PS Store yet, but I had a code for a free month of PS+ and $10 for the PS Store bundled with mine. Not sure if that is standard or for Amazon pre-orders.
  14. utvol0427

    utvol0427 Chieftain

    I'm pissed that they replaced Association mode on 2k14 with MyGM.
  15. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I've informed the spousal unit that if anyone is struggling with gift ideas for me this Christmas to feel free to pool resources to get me an Xbox One.

    Won't happen, but you won't ever get anything that you want to grow without first planting a seed. I can hope.
  16. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Just had a thought...

    Since I do use gaming as therapy to lessen the deterioration of my neuropathways (No joke. My doctor said it was great therapy for me.), I wonder if I can get my insurance to cover part of the cost. With the Kinect or whatever it is, I can make the case of physical therapy in addition to the neurotherapy. I think it's worth a shot. My doc just might sign off on it too...
  17. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    If your Doctor signs off, you should be good. Just like that episode in Seinfeld.

    Will XBone be able to connect with uverse, or is it cable (Comcast) only?
  18. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Worst they can say is "no" or maybe "hell no".

    Have no clue. Does it connect with Direct? I don't know too much about all the sorcery it is capable of. I just play games.
  19. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    I'm not sure. I've only only seen features in passing, I haven't delved too deep into either.
  20. You'll be able to connect any device that has an HDMI cable through the HDMI passthrough. This includes cable boxes, other gaming systems, etc. With a cable box, worst case scenario is you'll be able to use the voice commands to switch directly to your cable without having to actually power off the Xbox and switch any inputs. Somehow you're supposed to be able to sync your channel guide up with at least some providers (I know DirecTV is one) and actually use the voice commands to change channels and browse the guide and such, but I'm not exactly sure of the setup process and how well it's going to work.

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