Evidently no stops have been scheduled for this event, which is typically held in May, and has usually been booked by this time. From what I understand it has sold out 26 years in a row.
Also, is there another remaining way that the UTAD can possibly - or just more blatantly - continue to shit on the fans? Have we just completely lost all influence, or value, at this point?
It's not all that hard to believe. Evidently there's a question and answer session from the audience. You know Butch was dreading that. I doubt Holly Warlick was too thrilled about it either, but I haven't heard of her doing anything like ducking press conferences.
John Currie in week 1 on the job at UT: "We had low confidence, and one of the things we did in the process was getting out there with our fans. There are some similarities between the schools. Tennessee has the Big Orange Caravan, K-State has the Cat Mover, so we got out and about and re-earned trust. So we will do some things over here from an athletics perspective to ensure that the Tennessee faithful and the whole Tennessee family feel like they have a good opportunity to connect and share their passion and feelings." "It's really about people, and it's getting around and reconnecting with folks" "The Lord gave me two ears, two eyes and one mouth for a reason. I've got to get around and listen and see and learn and reconnect with folks. I can't wait to start doing that."
"Big Orange Caravan? Can I telecommute to that? No? Well, that's okay, let me tell you about the time I coached a team with Kevin Durant all the way to the second round of the tournament."
https://www.amazon.com/Tennessee-Vo...sr=8-11&keywords=tennessee+volunteers+tumbler They not only keep your beverages cold for a lengthy period of time, but also qualify your for a 900k/year gig. Pretty good value at $11.90.
I went to one in Maryville in 07 or 08, and it was actually an enjoyable event. Haven't been back sense, but only because they've not had it there again. Seems like anything the UTAD can do to further distance itself from the fanbase, they do. I'm not saying be Pearl and be a carnival barker, but seems like the BOC isn't that much to ask for.
Yep. This seems like a way to screw the ultra-loyal fans that would have bought season tickets for year 4 of [ddiapos].
Hyams now saying they are going to do one in June or July and it's because the ad situation was in flux.
Same way they don't have the kickoff bbq anymore. I know this wasn't the ad and was knox alumni, but it was also something really fun to go to that my son loved. Assume my daughter would now too.
Apparently Butch hated it the past few years. Nixed the silent autograph auctions because it could be viewed as an NCAA violation. Butch done.