Obama and Class Warfare

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by kptvol, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member

    I used to have this opinion. It is no longer my view on the subject. They have crossed lines and began systematically operating under an agenda and method based in deceit. If you fact check them and back track most of their sources and experts it is appaulling. MSNBC might as well be the model of journalism in comparison to them. I personally read CNN as my national source and find them to be moderate to right moderate in news coverage. Left leaning in their opinions pieces. I feel they are actively attempting to report in a right leaning way at this point to give the Faux Nobility's lap dog a.k.a foxnews no cannon fotter.
  2. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    As said earlier, from purely dollars and cents, increasing taxes on the rich will do little to nothing to help anything in the economy. It is absolutely absurd to think that any proposed tax credit is anything other than political talk than will have marginal benefit to business owners. Small businesses (and thus their owners) have been taxed over and over the past 4 years in every form imaginable other than a straight income tax increase.

    This is nothing but an effort to drive a wedge-effort to vilify the wealthy and rich because he needs a talking point other than how the economy is for the most part no better as a whole than it was four years ago. It's nothing more or less.
  3. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member

  4. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

    I have no doubt that FoxNews is absolutely right leaning. No doubt at all; they're biased and I believe virtually nothing coming from any of their shows. However, I don't believe they're on the verge of transforming the country into a feudal system. That's just a tad bit over the top.
  5. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

  6. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member

    OECD was founded in 1961. We are members the only ones who are critical of them from my knowledge are countries they will not admit as members. Israel was there most recent addition. IT was started in France. They are mainly sited for their statistics. They gather extensive statistics on countries.
  7. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member


    XXROCKYTOPXX Chieftain

    Simple question - Have economists always been a part of the decision making process for this country's financial affairs?

    XXROCKYTOPXX Chieftain

    According to Forbes:

    The Facts On Tax Rates: Who Pays What - Forbes
  10. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member

    I believe since the modern era yes. In yester year, studies were more broad and less specialized. Thus, if we are talking Jefferson and the like they were all economist, political scientist etc....Madison was even theologian and mathematician. I mean Bush jr. did not listen to experts much. Obama blew some off when passing Obama Care. It is not like they run the country but their advice is always taken seriously IMO.
  11. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member

    Who said anything about it paying for the whole deficit with bush tax cuts? That is something made up to have a counter point. That is analagous to saying we should not shot Bin Laden becasue killing him will not kill all terrorist. The rest is the way it should be. They should pay more and a lot more unless you like a future that includes servitude and/or serfdom for most.
  12. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

    No one said that. But, the point that was made is that your assertion of how crucial it is to immediately ramp up taxes on the rich doesn't really solve anything at all. That's because, as I said earlier, the problem isn't that the rich are paying too little taxes. It's that we're spending vastly too much money.
  13. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Or the government could stick to a budget

    XXROCKYTOPXX Chieftain

    I posted this in response to Jay to show they're in fact responsible for quite a bit and that I do not believe it's their sole responsibility to pay more because the government doesn't know how to manage money.

  15. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    40% tax rate means for a five day work week Monday and Tuesday go entirely to Uncle Sam. If you work more than that, which a lot of the guys in that bracket do, it's even worse. It is flat out ridiculous.
  16. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member

    Seems there are two issues here. No one ITT is arguing the government does not have a poor spending record. It most certainly does. Defense spending is entirely out of control. And it is not benefiting this country. Taxation and order by itself are not evil. The phrase is taxation without representation, not all taxation bad. There is a balance. Spending will not get under control unless we do something to address the gap in our society at present. We either spend to do so or we better start hiring more cops and initiating martial law. I totally agree entitlements need a complete re-do. We are raising cattle but at the same time, the poor in this country have far less opportunity then they once did. People were willing to work here because opportunity was right in front of them in other eras. It is not presently, it exist but it is far more competitive to achieve. The problem is far more complicated then just keeping a budget. We need well thought out research based decisions, austerity or a cutting of the budget to necessities will equate radically negative results.
  17. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    How in the hell is addressing the gap between the poor and the rich going to control government spending?

    The government getting more money from taxes means they are going to spend more. Period.
  18. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    And this has been proven over and over and over again
  19. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

    I agree with this 1000%. Wealth redistribution isn't going to magically lower spending. That doesn't even make logical sense.
  20. Jewbaccah

    Jewbaccah New Member

    Again, no one has said raising taxes on the rich is some sort of elixir. Yet it keeps being used as a counter point. Many things must be done to cure what ails raising taxes on the rich is just one. Spending in lean times should be maxed out. We are limited because of our follie in budgeting from previous years however.

    Spending is directly related to the wealth gap. Welfare, HC, Disability, Policing, Prisons, etc all go up when a large part of your society is impoverished. You absolutely can just let them eat cake. It will be your cake tho...

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