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Discussion in 'Politicants' started by fl0at_, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I would think someone so interested in biology would know what Swyer and Klinefelter syndromes are, but here we stand
  2. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Because these esteemed "Institutions of Knowledge" have earned the right to usurp the social and cultural contracts humanity has agreed to since the beginning of time. I'm certainly not the most knowledgeable, but I'm self aware enough to know that I have no right to arrogantly demand that society must redefine the meaning of man and women based on my feelings.
  3. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    That’s easy. Sir Orloff Broloff.
  4. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    To be clear, you can't give me an example of a biological male giving birth to another human.
  5. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Might want to back up from “humanity” a bit, as there are a whole load of examples of cultures that do not, in fact, agree with what you are saying here
  6. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You appear to be unfamiliar with intersex people. Completely. https://www.healthline.com/health/baby/what-does-intersex-look-like#appearance

    I sincerely hope you do a little research on this, it is not as rare as you'd think.
    emainvol likes this.
  7. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Yea tons of cultures where dudes were the ones tasked with giving birth. Got me.
  8. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    We share more than 50% of our genes with a banana. I have taught a biology class.
  9. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Humanity never agreed on a social and cultural contract. There are many cultures who acknowledge third genders, "two spirit people," etc. In Plato's writing, he postulates that there were 3 genders. You are mistaking YOUR beliefs for "beliefs." You are arrogant as [uck fay] to think your definition is the definition, and to think other views are just due to feelings.
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Women are "tasked" with giving birth? I know women who have not, will not, and/or can not give birth. So that isn't how that works.
  11. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Where in the post I quoted did you say a word about giving birth?

    I have already pointed out culturally different takes on gender. You said gender and sex are the same thing way up there, so men and women are the “genders” and as I have already provided an example of one of many cultures that do not subscribe to the idea of only two genders, I’d say that shoots the whole “humanity argument” right in its penis (or maybe uterus, or maybe both depending on other biological factors).
  12. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Those aren’t women, they are just dudes with tiny [Richards]
  13. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You can't keep your story straight. You said gender and sex were interchangeable, but now you are specifically saying "biological male" as a straw man attempt. I am the one who said they were not interchangeable. I should only need to find a person who gave birth who lives as a man. Or has male body parts. Keep it straight, YOU say they are all the same. Not me.
  15. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Are you a banana? If not, why?
  16. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    Hold up, so they don’t matter because they are rare?

    What percentage of the population is trans? It’s pretty rare right? Yet your boy Walsh argues that they take away opportunities from other women.

    Shouldn’t matter though, since it’s so rare and all
  17. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You seem to have a hard time keeping your line of logic straight. You claimed gender and sex are the same. Not me. You did. Demonstrating that sex is not "XX, XY" destroys the notion that binary gender is locked to XX, XY since that is definitely, biologically, not necessarily binary. I am not saying they are necessarily the same thing, I am showing that there is more variability than the rigid biological model you have falsely claims exists.
    emainvol likes this.
  18. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Whoa, you are the one whose position is allegedly based in biology. Does a banana have a gender? If not, why not?
  19. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    I don't believe gender is a non-binary fluid spectrum. I believe that people such as yourself believe that gender is a non-binary fluid spectrum based on feelings, whereas I don't. Not complicated.
  20. ole_orange

    ole_orange Board Simp

    Totally forgot a banana is a mammal. You set me straight

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