Star Wars: The Old Republic

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by fl0at_, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Any computer gamers want a beta test this game?

    They just sent me a beta invite and I won't have time.
  2. Volalum

    Volalum Member

    Been waiting on this game for a while. If you still have the code, I am interested.
  3. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    It looks like it is for an "upcoming beta weekend," and hasn't given me a code as of yet. When that weekend comes around, if you haven't gotten a similar invite, let me know and I'll drop off whatever they send.
  4. Volalum

    Volalum Member

    Sounds good. Thanks
  5. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    I played this past weekend for like an hour. Not as excited for it as I once was.. not sure if I'll purchase it or not.. as of right now I'm just going to continue playing CoH and Fallen Earth for free since I have Skyrim, CoD, and AC coming up.
  6. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    What was your biggest gripe? Not living up to the hype, or did it have AoC [if you played] type initial opening issues?
  7. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    I didn't notice any issues really. It was very smooth from the little I played. It just didn't rope me in like most of my favorite mmos have when starting out. I was playing on my laptop though and not my desktop so that didn't help I'm sure.

    It basically is a single player RPG with mmorpg aspects unfortunately - atleast that's how it played out at the beginning. I know people had warned everyone of this - but I pretty much ignored their comments and kept with the hype. Plays exactly like WoW combat too.. which isn't necessarily a bad thing... but didn't feel right.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2011
  8. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    Plus I'm having loads of fun on CoH again so maybe I just didn't want myself to like it... but I can tell it's going to end up exactly what I don't want it to be but I may get it just for the eye candy and the fact that its Star Wars.
  9. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    The WoW combat (I'm assuming you mean an autoattack constantly on, with special attacks on hot key as desired) is probably because ever since WoW, MMOs are hesitant to not do an auto attack. Which is good, constantly banging the keyboard sucks.

    I won't have time to play it, but "single player" with mmorpg aspects sounds decidedly boring. It would be like questing and leveling, but never doing anything more. Pass.
  10. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    I wasn't really referring to auto attack - I honestly don't remember if they had auto attack - but I assume they do since that would be something that stood out to me since it's pretty standard. It just mimicked the WoW style combat down to a T just with all the small things.

    There will be large mmorpg aspects - but since its so linear and focused on a story line for each class - it leads to tons of soloing and individual quests... probably can solo to cap without grouping.. but a lot of mmos are that way these days.
  11. Volguy1971

    Volguy1971 Sith Lord

    I like it myself....But Bioware has been slow at adding new content and the game seems to be dying.....they are losings subs to GW2 and with the upcoming WoW expansion, it will hurt them more....
  12. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    I'm been getting hammered by fake beta phishing attempts for WoW's expansion, for what seems like a year now. I wish they'd go ahead and wrap that up so at least my spam will die down.
  13. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    ive stopped playing but will play again when its ftp - playing gw2 now.
  14. Volalum

    Volalum Member

    How is GW2? I've been playing WOW again for a few months now, after not playing for 16 months. The new patch is not very good and the game has gotten easier, lol.
  15. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    gw2 is awesome
  16. Volalum

    Volalum Member

    Anyone playing MoP, WoW expansion?
  17. Volguy1971

    Volguy1971 Sith Lord

    SWTOR 1.4 patch came yesterday and there is a new op to play. I am hoping to run it tonight. New gear class as well.

    According to Biofail(their name until they get their asses in gear on content), there will be new patches approx every 6 weeks from now on. Although, they should have been doing this since launch.
  18. emainvol

    emainvol Administrator

    I had some friends convince me to give WoW a go. I haven't seen much of the MoP stuff yet though, because I really just started. I do have it, though.
  19. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    Started playing some swtor again - not an amazing game but I'm too big of a Star Wars fan not to play. Sage this time around. Still playing gw2 but since its free to play I don't mind subbing to swtor.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  20. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Paroled

    What server and faction do you play on?

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