Which game gets your vote and why?
Per Reveal trailer. Rumored to be a Holiday 15 release. PC to come early 2017.
It came out on Tuesday and I picked it up yesterday. Played a little bit last night and like it so far. Anyone else have it or plan to get it?...
Just built my own computer and the graphics card came with some promo codes for these games. I'm never going to play them, so let me know if you...
Anyone else pumped for this game?
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/02/magazine/the-mammoth-cometh.html?hp&_r=0 Not quite Jurassic Park, but still interesting. I tend to think...
Which one is better and why? I'm hoping PS4 because I preordered it.
Really looking forward to this game at the end of the month. The time period especially interests me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5oCFC1QH30
Budget is relatively flexible, but I am currently thinking I will be in the 1200 range. A little less than half of that is wrapped up in the...
I don't get the impression there are a lot of PC gamers around here (actually, I am not either, as I own a Mac) but this comes out tonight and...
I just beat Mass Effect 3 for the first time. I did this after playing through 1 and 2, straight to 3. I now have no idea what the fuss over...
The guys on VQ that follow Da'Rick are saying he's posted things indicated that he's leaving Tennessee. He took down the info that said he was a...
Still more PS2 owners than PS3 owners. Wii still on top of both competitors....
VN Game of the Year 2011 (March Madness Style) - VolNation I aint even mad tho.
Who is getting this game in March...who would like to get together for online madness on xbox...I have two friends in so far....I have played Mass...
Being hated and hunted by polite society isn’t so great after all, is it vampires? In Skyrim, vampirism is a disease, a terrible one that ravages...
Helpful site Alchemy (Skyrim) - The Elder Scrolls Wiki
Seems like there are a ton of good ones over the years, but if you had to pick just ten... what are they?
Any computer gamers want a beta test this game? They just sent me a beta invite and I won't have time.
Separate names with a comma.