Maybe Smith fell on his cleat. Just a misunderstanding.
This does, however, pretty well confirm that Jimmy believes Butch is gone. He wouldn't report this otherwise.
That, and Butch's fake news rant was directly in response to Hyams' question. Butch started the fight, and Hyams is going to finish it.
Does this change when we fire Butch? It seems that people that were talking about this last night/this morning were also saying it would cause Butch to be gone immediately.
I dont see why a fight between an offensive and defensive lineman would result in action against the head coach.
visit to hospital isn't supposed to be reported to any of us. I also don't recall a lot of coaches around the country talking about fights and as we all know, they happen. At least some players are showing frustration. Just get someone in here before they don't.
Reporting to us isn't the problem. It's one guy breaking a starter's face and then being a starter himself only a few days later, then you have this happen the following week. He has no control.
I agree the team appears to be lost on the field and has collectively given up on Butch, but I don't believe everything that comes out at times like this.
You shouldn't. Otherwise you might believe a guy in a major college athletics program for three years tripped, fell, was unable to break his fall in any way, and ended up with facial fractures.
I don't know doc, that super swollen eye didn't look like the ones I see from street fights or abusive spouses. Must be a direct fall on the crown of a helmet, which is smaller than a fist and is the most plausible explanation for his nose not being effected as well. I sell medical supplies, so I think I'll over rule you
CBS sports did a story on the fight today. That's got to help butch out. It's like he's trying to make sure he's never a head coach again