There's something hysterical about unbelievably inconsiderate selfishness. Seinfeld had a lot of that going for it, too.
I haven't been watching it long either. Ordered the first season from Netflix back around the first of the year.
the first episode I saw was Mac and Charlie Die. I was mesmerized in full on WTF am I watching mode. They were testifying at Mac's dad's parole hearing with lines like "he told us when he gets out he would rape us so hard the room would stink and he would eat our asses until his belly was full of our asses"
The innocence/childlike antics of Charlie compliment the self serving of the others well. What is simply amazing to be is Frank (Danny DeVito) was added in season two simply for a ratings boost. He totally changed the dynamic of that show. An acclaimed actor who just fit in the cast perfectly. With his whole body of work the first thing that will always come to mind is Frank.
A girl I went to high school with was apparently on the show. Weird. Last time she was on TV, she was a topless extra on True Blood.