Harold Camping: Doomsday Definitely Friday, October 21, 2011 This is the third time the world has ended in my lifetime. At least we don't have to worry about Alabama.
is this the same loon responsible for all the "Sunday will be enforced as the mark of the beast" billboards?
I wont even get to see the new Harold and Kumar movie, not that i was planning to anyway. It was just nice knowing a had a choice.
But he is sure it is DEFINITELY going to happen this time. Although he said he expects it to be "low-key." I don't know what it means, but it sounds suspiciously stupid.
How does the world end "low key?" As in, no lead up, just BAM end of the world? One second here, next second nothingness?
The layman may not even know the difference, I suppose. They'll foolishly think they are living in the same world as before. That being said, I am pretty sure we'll all wonder if we are really in hell on Saturday.
Since the world will end on Friday, will that mean that we wont lose to bama............silver lining