Who were you on vols, [itch bay] and GiveHimSix?

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by PoochPunt3rdDown, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. PoochPunt3rdDown

    PoochPunt3rdDown Troll Guru

    I wish Beefe were here. That large man is a gotdammed internet treasure. We ran around on v,b and feelslike for a brief moment. It was internet attention whore trolling at it's worst/finest, depending on how you view it.
  2. PoochPunt3rdDown

    PoochPunt3rdDown Troll Guru

    We ****ed with tre tre really bad for a couple days. I, I'm extremely proud to say, introduced him to Tre Tre. RIP, Tre Tre.....

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