How crucial is getting the 250GB version? Is there stuff you can't do with the 4GB? Can you add memory or use SD cards?
I would never buy the 4GB since the best way to play the games is by installing them on your hard drive. With the 4GB, you wont be able to install most games. Installing to your hard drive will extend the live of your Optical Drive and also cuts down loading times. I would always recommend going to 250GB which has seemed to work fine for me and I install every game that I am currently playinig. Each game install will take about 4.5 - 6 GB of space on your hard drive.
Do these things break down semi-frequently? If so, does Microsoft fix it for you for free? Not sure buying a used one would be a wise investment.
+1.....would never buy a used one that is not from a game store that is refurbed. You are just asking to get a shit box or one that has been console banned from Live if you buy one from ebay, craigslist or one from another person directly.
So if I bought the 4GB and then a 250GB or bigger hard drive, I'd basically have the same thing as a straight up Xbox 250? Thinking I might buy the 4GB and then a used hard drive.
What about this here? Keep in mind I'll probably only end up getting a handful of games, so I feel like 120gigs would be plenty. Buy a Cheap Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite After further review, that site seems scammish, but supposing I locate the same system elsewhere... a good buy?
I would suggest not buying the elite due to the older chipsets that were on those. Best bet is to buy a refurb from a gamestore, preferably one made after AUG 2010
Hot damn. How much did this thing cost when it first came out? A refurb of a 3-4 year old system shouldn't be pushing 300.
Its a bad deal. Honestly, if you are planning on using an external HDD, I would go with a deal on Amazon for the 4GB newer designed XBOX 360 Slim. Amazon has them for 199.00. Gamestop has the same pricing, but Gamestop is an evil empire and must be stopped. Here is the link for the Amazon Also free 5-7 day shipping for 199.00
Look on Gamestop, they had refurbished 20gb pros for 99 bucks a few months ago. Even though I hate them, that was a pretty good deal.
They dont have that deal anymore, but if you are dead set on going the refurb route, they have the 4GB refurb slims for 179.99 but with 20 more bones, you could buy the new one
Alright... So we've got our Xbox 360 4GB S Console Xbox 360 4GB Console: Video Games And our 250GB Xbox hard drive... Added up do I have a 250GB Xbox? Any disadvantages to doing it this way? I don't have to open some factory seal and void the warranty to add that hard drive, do I?
That's probably the route I'll go then. Seems like I've heard NCAA football sucks. What's the edition that's worth buying?