Tyler Bray: 12 starts Ben Bartholomew: 7 starts Mychal Rivera: 25 starts Dallas Thomas: 25 starts Alex Bullard: 12 starts James Stone: 17 starts Zach Fulton: 17 starts Jawaun James: 25 starts Da'Rick Rogers: 12 starts Justin Hunter: 5 starts Jaques Smith: 8 starts Daniel Hood: 8 starts AJ Johnson: 10 starts Curt Maggitt: 8 starts Izauea Lanier: 9 starts Brian Randolph: 8 starts Prentiss Waggner: 27 starts Matt Darr: 9 starts Michael Palardy: 17 starts 96 combined starts for the OL. They better be able to push anyone around they want.
Can we still use injuries and lack of depth? I'd hate for Dooley to have to accept responsibility for his team publicly.
Worn out will work. Whew, for a second there I thought Dooley might have to suffer the indignity of having to be accountable for the team that he is the head coach of. Crisis averted.
Yes, the ole "We really young and inexperienced" crutch fell off a game early with the KY loss. Now it is all about results, if there is a constant lack of execution now, then the coaching staff will be the ones who get "executed."
There are no more reasons to apologize for us sucking. Not youth. Not Fulmer. Not Kiffin. Not injuries. Not injuries to guys that happen to be really good. Not leadership. Not recruiting base. Not Florida being great (Florida is terrible). Not South Carolina being great (this one makes me laugh). Not UGA being great (they're above average...nothing more). What excuses have I left off?
You could also use the "Just because you start doesn't mean you're any good" or the "Sometimes you get what you deserve". I believe this team has plenty of "scars" as well. How long does it take bamboo to grow? He may pull that one back out too. This team has lost plenty in the past two years, so he can't say they're content with where they're at. I'm sure he'll use Eric Russell leaving at least once next year though.