COVID-19 (artist formerly known as Wuhan strain novel Corona virus)

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by IP, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Here's where we talked about this before, it is still true:

    The article you shared doesn't mention 14 days. I haven't been able to find anywhere that said 14 days, though I suppose maybe someone did. But either way, the above is much closer to the primary source.
  2. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Dude, if you're shot in the head, and dead. We can lay you on a metal table, and your body will be detectable for a long time. But you're dead.
  3. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    This is not about any particular post or directed at anyone in particular, but just a question that I find interesting:

    I have seen it implied or even overtly said "it is a control issue" or "they are just trying to control us".

    Who is?
    To what purpose?
    What is your evidence for this (feelings don't count)?

    I will go ahead and give you the "Trying to defeat Trump" angle. But I find this doesn't jibe as it is people in his own administration saying "stay home" as well as hard core Red states.
  4. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    It's hard to see the start of an increasing slope. Much easier to see it after it has already started.

    Using Indy's link from a few pages back, because the graphs are nice, we peaked at daily new infections on July 3rd. Based on the past, I'd say 2 weeks from July 3rd, we'll be at the start of the slope, or be able to identify that there is a slope moving upwards, even with earlier testing.
    IP likes this.
  5. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod


    Global enslavement Hunger games style

    CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING MAN?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
  6. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    It's clearly about money. This virus, that we've known about, forever, was modified and released so that some company with investors who know some politician, somewhere, could make a vaccine that people would buy. Never mind that like 5,000 companies are currently making a vaccine. They all know someone, somewhere.

    My second favorite is that this is done to take down Trump. Because 204 countries on the earth scuttled their economy, just for us. Feel the love!

    My favorite is that masks are a precursor to Sharia law, and head coverings. Despite Islamic states that already have head coverings wearing masks.
    TBSVOL likes this.
  7. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

    If you cant see the control issue, look deeper. If you cant see media bias, open your eyes and ears. If you cant see the ridiculous amount of half or misinformation, look again.
    And if you think the dems want us back to normal with no ppp money, no free money, fewer people making more from govt than the job they lost, and a thriving economy under trump, you are just wrong or naive.
    To not understand the control issue with first ever stay at home orders, wear a mask order, dont go to church or bar, but by all means go protest...come on.
  8. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Yeah, the Gates is behind this to implant us all to control us is my favorite.
  9. DownNDirty

    DownNDirty Contributor

    Alright, here's my .02 for what it's worth.

    Some of it is probably trying to defeat Trump because I think they'll do anything and everything they can to make sure he doesn't get re-elected. And I have no bias I think they all suck.

    The control thing to me - as a fairly educated person: Up front, we were told not to wear masks unless we were sick that it doesn't help us. Yes, I understand that we could be asymptomatic but they knew about that from jump street. The highest of the high command told us this for one simple reason - they didn't have enough masks to go around and they knew it. It probably all along should have been we should wear masks to prevent spread. When you know people are lying to you for their own reasons - whatever those reasons may be - makes me think it's definitely partially about control. I smother in the masks and hate them and don't wear them often. My direct contact with people is pretty limited though and I maintain my space. I've been to the grocery store twice since this all started bubbling back up a little a month ago and didn't wear a mask. But I gave people their social distance space.

    And when some people say that I'm part of the problem and WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS I am thinking I'm doing plenty. I have 3 girls - one about to turn 11 and twins that are 7. They haven't been in a public place since March except to go out to eat ONCE on my birthday in early June. I'm keeping my kids away from everyone and doing what I can otherwise. Washing my hands, sanitizing, maintaining distance, etc. And not condemning anyone for wearing a mask or not wearing a mask. Everyone has their own reasons. Plus, you can read on the side of some of these mask boxes direct quotes saying they do not stop the spread of Covid-19. Unless you have a specific mask and use it properly it's all for show. My way to contribute is to limit my outside interactions and not go to places more than absolutely necessary. And if that's not enough I'm not sure what else to do except order all of my groceries online from now on.

    The other thing about control is the simple fact that all of these protests were allowed to openly happen and continue to happen - and have been condoned - yet you can't go to some churches and if you do now you can't even sing? I mean, it's a little strange. It's a double standard. It should be all or nothing if that's the way they would like it to be. And you know what - if they say NO eating out, going to church, going to a soccer game, watching your kids play baseball, going to the funeral home, etc. then they damn sure ought to say no protesting and gathering in crowds at all as well.

    I have my own feelings on all of these protests and feel that while some people truly are fighting for change there's a large majority of people just using all of this shit as an excuse to be deplorable human beings. I almost put my fist through my screen daily at some of this crap I see all across the board. What are you accomplishing by not letting an 80 year old woman cross the street on her walker? And then beating the shit out of some guy who was just trying to help her? How is that helping anything at all? Why are they continuing to let some of these people burn cities and businesses to the ground? Go in there and put a stop to all of this crap. Some people that are having anti-protester protests are just as bad so I'm not condoning that either.

    Yes, my .02 was laced with "feelings" but for me personally I do feel that a lot of this is a control issue and a double standard issue between what's going on with the virus and protests and the mixed signals given by those that are supposed to be in charge.

    Just be friggin good to each other and try to be nice to people. The only thing I know how to do to fight all of this hate is to love my kids as hard and much as I do. To tell them I love them every day and spend time with them. To make sure they see what's right and what's wrong and don't grow up to feel entitled to everything and know it's ok for people to have different opinions even if you think they are complete morons. It may be an uphill battle but I want my kids to grow up with morals and ethics. So much of what I see now from everyone is just selfishness, greed, and general hate for other human beings. And I'm about sick of it all.
    SetVol13 and Ssmiff like this.
  10. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    If they pay off my student loans, they can implant me right now.
    CardinalVol likes this.
  11. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    CNN, Fox, CDC, WHO, MSNBC, everyone said "two more weeks" starting in March
  12. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

    Need to shut down bars and stop selling tobacco products. And fried food too. Ban country cooking. Tobacco, alcohol and obesity kill 1000s everyday. Ban them all. 55-60,000 people die per week in New York and that number hasnt change thru this pandepanic. Imagine how many lives saved in NY if we ban beer, cigs and fries. If we are going to be told where we can and cant go, when and what we have to wear, let go all in. Guns too. Ban them all.
  13. JohnnyQuickkick

    JohnnyQuickkick Calcio correspondent

    I think some of the back and forth has been honest learning as we go, but communication hasn’t always been clear and good. Add to that we had the news on last night and they made it sound like a damned MUTO attack.
  14. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    Say the what what? Where are you getting this number?
  15. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    A mask (technically a facial covering) isn't meant to stop the spread. Not even a N95, unless you are clean shaven, so it can seal, and have it properly fitted, will work. And then it filters 95% (hence N95) of particulate matter.

    The mask (facial covering) is meant to barricade respiratory droplets from becoming airborne. If your droplets stick to your face, it is less likely that they'll come be inhaled by me. Not 100%. But less likely. Same for a sneeze, and a cough. But with sneezes and coughs, you're forcing air out from your lungs at a high rate, and thus the air will escape out of your facial covering. But the amount that escapes will be less than if you didn't have a covering.

    Your mask (facial covering) protects me. Not you.

    Protests are Constitutionally protected. Even if people WANTED to stop them, they legally cannot. It would be ruled unconstitutional.
  16. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Do most people that die from tobacco and fried foods do so only a few weeks after eating or smoking for the first time?
  17. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    55-60 k die per week in NY and the number of deaths/wk hasn't changed through the pandemic........



    Two left...want to take another swing?
  18. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    I don't pretend to know much Con Law, but I do wonder if you could shut them down under the guise of public well-being due to a pandemic. Would that still protect them or not?
  19. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    No. Even if one court out there went nuts and ruled it could be done, it would get squashed by all the others, so then it would work it's way through the courts, and in 2 years... be ruled. And during those 2 years, the protests would be allowed.
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    They just said "two more weeks," or they said more words that further clarify specific things? The claim you are making is very general and you haven't provided any examples. Two more weeks until... what? Hospitals get full? Some hospitals have filled up at certain places in time, and some are filling up now. Some are not. Two weeks until we lose the ability to to have contact tracing as a viable option? We're probably there now, whether it happened 2 weeks after a report or 4 or 1 or whatever.

    I think a challenge of a slowly unfolding disaster is that it gets normalized very quickly. We have a pandemic of a novel virus that kills a large percentage of people over 65 who get it, and kills some percentage of adults less than that, and may trigger life-altering problems in some children. And that's what we know 7 months after its discovery, so there may be more news coming down the pike. Folks are calling it a "panic." Maybe it is, but it is still real. Some level of "panic" is to be expected. Downplaying it or ignoring it is definitely not going to solve it any faster than a "panic" does. Hell, many denying its severity only creates more panic in others who do not.

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