How do we improve America?

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by tvolsfan, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    In spite of obvious political differences, we obviously agree that the country has a lot of issues at the moment. How do we fix them?

    This thread isn't really intended to be a comprehensive list of everything that needs to be done. It doesn't necessarily have to be things that could be changed easily. I just want to see some of the different ideas that people have to improve this country.
  2. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    Some of my thoughts:

    1. It's time to stop putting ideology over competence in politics. It doesn't matter if a candidate shares all your views or if they're 'likable.' If they can't get things done, they're going to fail.
    2. Stop demonizing success. It's one thing to ask those who have made it to pay a little more. It's another thing entirely to tell everyone else that successful people are keeping them down.
    3. Legalize marijuana. Immediately. I'm a big fan of Reagan, but the war on drugs simply hasn't worked.
    4. Both sides need to honest about illegal immigration. It's wrong to demonize people for trying to improve their lives. Additionally, deporting all of them certainly isn't a realistic solution, and it would be unfair to pretend that immigrants don't contribute to the United States in any way. However, illegal immigration does cause problems, and it's wrong to simply ignore them or simply attribute them to racism.
    5. Get serious and realistic about making cuts. Although I'm not so sure I agree, I can at least understand the logic behind temporarily increasing spending to stimulate the economy. However, it's time to stop kidding ourselves. We're going to have to make serious cuts in the future, and it's going to require cuts across the board. That includes defense and social programs, at least to a certain extent. Deal with it.
    6. Affirmative action needs to be less about increasing diversity statistics and more about eliminating both poverty and the lack of education in many parts of the country. That's not to say that anything is wrong with diversity. I just think it's silly to see schools and companies beating their chests about their diversity while doing little to actually help provide opportunities to those who haven't had as many.
    7. Stop giving every idiot their fifteen minutes. People don't need to hear about every ridiculous quote, soundbite, or rant that some loudmouth feels obligated to share with us. All this does is reinforce stereotypes and cause division among different groups.
    8. Increase physical activity in public schools. If it's okay to mandate kids make pottery or play an instrument, there shouldn't be any problems making them run around for an hour a day.
    9. Parents need to be more accountable for their children. It's too easy to blame schools, television, and the media for bad influences when the reality is many parents just aren't getting it done.
    10. People need to accept individual accountability on another of issues. While there are a lot of problems in politics, many of the major issues the country is dealing with are a result of entitlement, ignorance, and people simply not taking great care of themselves. There are things the government can do to improve things, but we have to face the facts. A lot of that can be blamed on the people.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  3. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    Apparently, the situation is hopeless.
  4. Tar Volon

    Tar Volon Me Blog

    Truth. I saw that post right when I was about to go to bed. I really can't disagree with much. As far as putting forth ideas. . . when I'm not about to dash off to class. Maybe.
  5. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    As difficult as it sounds, and as impossible as it may be.

    We need to have our offices filled by political servants instead of career seekers. The power and money that has surrounded even the smallest offices (on all levels) has driven the idea that self preservation through government employment is more important than the countrys well being. It sounds like a broken record but until politicians are put into a position where ultimate wealth and power are not on the table when running for office this will never change.

    Im not gonna even pretend to understand how that is changed given where that situation currently sits. It has become the biggest elephant in the room, and the door is getting smaller to usher him out.

    You could make a list of several things that need to be changed about our country. This is where I would start.
  6. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    More Bruce Springsteen.
  7. govols182

    govols182 Honorary Mod

    Work for welfare or ridding capable people from being on welfare.
  8. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    Education is the key to escaping poverty.
    1) Tie welfare payments to childrens school attenance/performance
    2) Get rid of the Teachers Union and hold teacher accountacle
    3) Get rid of waste in education administration and send money to better support teachers
  9. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    I think this is the crux of the problem. It seems as though most politicians and certainly both major parties have lost focus on what their 'jobs' actually are. Whether their ambition lies with accumulating wealth, notoriety, influence, etc., it certainly does not appear to be based on representing constituents. It is maddening to me where politics in this country are at the moment - politicians much more interested in pointing fingers and undermining each other rather than even attempting to legitimately work together. Until this changes I am afraid we're screwed.
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    The tea party will not accept compromise. It is really tough to get reelected if you actually do ANYTHING.
  11. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    1. Enact a level percentage income tax with no credits or deductions other than dependents.

    2. Let educators educate, not teach to pass proficiency tests.

    3. Limit campaign spending for all Federal races to a small percentage of what is being spent now.

    4. Have term limits for the Senate and Congress, reduce the salaries and pensions, require to pay into Social Security.

    5. Welfare reform that results in accountability, limits time of participation without reevaluation.

    6. Do a major overhaul on Federal budget that reduces spending by at least 50% over a period of time. Don't reinstate each item just because it exits, require justification.

    7. Use a small part of the Billions of dollars saved to subsidize live band music. (JK)
  12. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    1. This panders to those who make choices that create a large amount of dependents. The level percentage for income tax ignores the difference in actual quantities and disposable income. It in no way would fix anything at all, just cripple the federal government. Which of course is the point of a flat tax.

    4. Term limits are just a way to take away a choice from constituents. Why the **** don't those assholes pay SS? That's crazy.

    5. Sounds good, but keep in mind the current system isn't as far away from that as some claim.

    6. Good luck with that. You'll have special interests screaming legitimate rape and crawling out of the woodwork. Any politician involved will be radioactive for life.

    7. Would be less wasteful than many things we do.
  13. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Listen as well and with the same objectivity as you would wish to be heard.

    Be courageous enough to unfailingly seek the truth, and in all things, as best as it can be determined, regrdless as to whatever end or purpose it serves. Once found, act accordingly.
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I think just having a mindset that a solution/action MUST be found would do a lot of good. Good post, Tenny.
  15. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Force Congress to vote on an agenda to be followed for each term, ranking national priorities.

    Require each item to have piece(s) of legislation intended to address the problem brought for a full and mandatory vote before any new legislation can be acted on. Of course, items of national urgency can be easily addressed and moved to the head of the agenda, on 2/3 votes of all members.

    Enact a line item veto, or better, disallow riders to any legislation, altogether.
  16. Oldvol75

    Oldvol75 Super Bigfoot Guru Mod

    Get rid of Lobbist.
  17. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    I'd like to see the rule changed about 435 members in the house. I'd like to see one representive per 100,000. I believe this would help with third parties and the people having more of a connection with their government.
  18. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    A line item veto would make the majority too powerful, imo. But I agree in spirit. Just need to tune it somehow.
  19. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Identify "core" elements of the federal budget that would be exempted (i.e. defense, Medicaid, etc.) - but allow taxpayers to allocate their tax dollars to any other spending measure, beyond those.

    Want to study the effects of sailboats on seagulls? Fine. Explain what you are doing, how much you need, and what purpose it intends to serve. If enough people support it, they'll fund it. If not, they won't.

    Or, give me the option of paying a higher tax rate, say a 10% increase, but let me choose to that which it is applied. All of it. Start with the core elements and the richest Americans, first. Once the core elements are fully funded, the remainding number of Americans would simply pay a 10% flat tax - and they could choose the areas of additional spending to apply their contributions. If you do not wish for your 10% to go to an additional program, it is automatically applied to the federal deficit.

    Of course, I've thought through very little of this - but if money is truly the end all be all in our federal system, then it would seem to me that the right to allocate your money would be nearly as important as the vote you cast.
  20. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Prevent riders, of any kind, for any reason.

    No more pork barrel projects being tacked on to larger, more important or popular legislation. Make each piece stand on its own, and be voted on individually.

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