Mizzou Thoughts

Discussion in 'Vols Football' started by CardinalVol, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Agree 100% about shrinking the playbook to protect a QB being a good thing. But that’s mostly only if you’re doing it to protect the best QB on the roster and don’t have an alternative. And maybe that’s the case. Maybe Nico really isn’t there yet.

    I agree that we will never know why Nico hasn’t played. At the end of the day, Milton has shown loyalty to the program by sticking around after losing his job, and I don’t hate the idea of rewarding him for it. But if playing Nico wins us the Florida game and puts us in a better position against Mizzou… idk.
  2. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

    We didn’t have a center the first 4 games and Ol injuries. Why play him at bama or against Aggies or at Ky
    SetVol13, VOLinDAWGland and IP like this.
  3. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I believe that if we took a poll, it would be nearly unanimous that you took us on this tangent. Maybe not. Or maybe we're almost all wrong.
    PilotFlyingJ likes this.
  4. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Cool story. The “everyone says so” argument is always a strong one.

    All you have to do to see my point is go back and read. We were discussing how much credit Heupel deserved and how much the players deserved for what went down last season. Uni pushed back on 1 point in that post, which led us down the tangent of how Hooker came to be the starter. It’s all right there for you.
  5. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Why play a potentially better option at QB against Bama?

    Uhh, idk, maybe to beat Bama in back to back years for the first time in I don’t even know how long?

    Do people not remember that we were up 2 scores at halftime?
  6. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You have been pushing a narrative that Heupel missed on Hooker, and is now missing on Nico. That's what is being pushed back against as it is a revisionist narrative. You don't seem capable of acknowledging this, and keep on and on.
  7. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    That kinda makes the "put Nico in" argument seem stupid
  8. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Only if you think “up 2 scores” was the best possible first half outcome. Most of us went into halftime feeling like we should have been up 3 or more. The offense pissed away 2 key opportunities.

    I’m not saying Nico should have played. Just saying that the “why play him against Bama” comment was dumb. If you think he’s the better QB, one obvious reason to play him is to give yourself a better chance to win the game.
  9. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

    so a true freshman who hasn’t played enough for you to see anything should’ve played at Bama even though we had a lead at halftime with Milton.
  10. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

    I don’t think he knows what he did
  11. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    I completely understand why Heupel went with Milton out of the gate in 2021. He had a quick hook and Hendon took off and it was fun.

    I can understand starting the 6th year senior over the true freshman in 2023. Neither of those decisions scream coaching malfeasance.

    I do believe Nico is going to be a much better qb than Milton
    SetVol13, Volgrad98, Unimane and 3 others like this.
  12. peelwonder

    peelwonder Member

    I'm pretty sure Heupel's master plan wasn't to throw Nico to the wolves, He's not a dumb coach and he knows what he's got.
  13. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    FWIW after that A&M game I would have started Nico. We ran for 300 yards and needed a punt return TD to win by 7.

    I understand the fear of putting freshman in at Alabama, but those are the difficult decisions I hope a coach can make if it’s the right one that gives you the best chance to win. We talk about loyalty to Tim Banks maybe turning into an Achilles heel, well I think he’s also doing it with Milton. You’re not going to ruin a guy if he is “the guy” by putting him in a tough situation imo. If we’re comparing this situation to peterman and Nico is Nathan peterman we are fudged either way then.
  14. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    We could have stomped their throats with tds instead of field goals and Joe missed multiple open opportunities iirc
  15. JohnnyQuickkick

    JohnnyQuickkick Calcio correspondent

    The most egregious thing I remember from that one is Keyton dropping a wide open TD. We scored on that possession though. He did throw a terrible red zone pick too.
  16. peelwonder

    peelwonder Member

    He's irritating with his little celebrations too. I mean you scored a touchdown don't act like a complete douche.
  17. Volsdude

    Volsdude Well-Known Member

    Tbh I thought Milton played great in that first half other than finishing those drives. Idk if Nico makes a difference there, I doubt he does. I’m just saying I personally would have said forget this after that A&M game.
    justingroves likes this.
  18. VOLinDAWGland

    VOLinDAWGland Contributor

    Soon the short-lived Milton era will be over. Good guy, easy to root for but frustrating to watch. Better than Guarantano. Better days are ahead.
    Memtownvol, PilotFlyingJ and Unimane like this.
  19. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

    If he doesn’t make a difference you run the risk of upperclassmen wondering if the same will happen to them, handing off their job to another player who hasn’t earned it yet. Not good for locker room imo.
    If you are going to make that move, it better be a big upgrade and imo we don’t have the pieces and parts to help Nico in that situation. We have rbs, a decent center, decent tackle and Squirrel as legit SEC players. That’s it.
    Memtownvol and PilotFlyingJ like this.
  20. VOLinDAWGland

    VOLinDAWGland Contributor

    The lack of quality seniors and especially Juniors is bigger than people realize. Losing the hired Senior Pili didn't help either.
    PilotFlyingJ likes this.

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