The Indy Talks To Himself (NBA) Thread.

Discussion in 'Sports' started by GahLee, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Excuses, excuses. I'm now holding everyone to the same idiotic standards the We Hate LeBron Crowd holds him to. Jordan's ***** ass sat out a season and a half that he wasn't even injured. Burn him at the stake.
  2. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Turf toe sucks. My buddy had to get his toe nails drilled through in camp last season because of it. Really hurt his chances at starting.
  3. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    More excuses. You play or you suck. Only options.
  4. DirtyVol

    DirtyVol New Member

    simma down now. Funny thing is I don't hate LeBron. I respect his talent and ability. Said before he's the best player in the game and a generational talent.
    Don't know why it's a big deal that his greatness is sometimes questioned.
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I don't think people really understand cramping. If you have a cramp, your muscle is not responding to your brain's commands. There is no playing through it, at least at a high level.
  6. GahLee

    GahLee Director of Conspiracy Theories, 8th Maxim

    It's really that simple.
  7. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    He did play. He just wasn't as good with the drilled toe nails as he was without.
  8. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Yep. Though I agree somewhat with the people questioning his hydration. I don't know enough about his hydration habits to definitively say it was his fault he cramped though.

    Had a buddy in high school who cramped up really badly all the time. He would drink so much water and Gatorade before games that he would literally fill up 3 water bottles with piss on the way to away games. Worked out well for him since he always got a seat to himself, but sometimes even that much hydration didn't stop him from cramping.
  9. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Sorry for the triple post but found this funny:

    "I can't play the game of basketball and live my life on what other people expect me to do or what they think I should do, that doesn't make me happy," James said. "What makes me happy is being able to make plays for my teammates, to be able to represent the name on the back of my jersey. That's what makes me happy. What everybody else thinks? That doesn't really matter to me."

    You'd think he would go with the name on the front of the jersey, if he was trying not to sound like a [Penis].
  10. GahLee

    GahLee Director of Conspiracy Theories, 8th Maxim

    You don't hydrate the day of, by then, it's too late.
  11. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    I love it when athletes tell us they don't care what other people think . In particular, someone as desperate for public approval as Lebron.
  12. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

    I don't think LeBron could play through cramps at all. But, the whole gimmick of him being carried off the court as if some sniper had just shot him down is what I think is the most ridicule worthy.
  13. NashVol11

    NashVol11 Well-Known Member

    Well, you did basically say that superstars are supposed to magically play through everything.
  14. NashVol11

    NashVol11 Well-Known Member

  15. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

  16. NashVol11

    NashVol11 Well-Known Member

    Why not? Did LeBron not ask to sit for a time?
  17. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

  18. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    I'm assuming Jordan sat for a couple of minutes
  19. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    You have to continue hydrating the day of. It's not like he started hydrating the day of the game. He did that the entire week. It was just funny how much he ramped it up leading up to the game.
  20. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    That wasn't anywhere near as bad as Paul Pierce. And Pierce came back in the game.

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