FBI Admits Active Hillary Investigation

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Tenacious D, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    Having this knowingly going through non-classified state servers could be considered criminal. I'm not pretending that isn't more secure. It is. But it isn't built for that type of communication and it is t allowed. Yet 5% of her email traffic contained it - on state servers that shouldn't have had it.
  2. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    There never should have been classified material on it. It still shouldn't have been allowed. But the apparently lax general care for classified information at state made it that much worse. As secretary she's also on the hook for that though I'm sure it existed before and after her.
  3. Daddy Gee

    Daddy Gee Chieftain

    If the lax oversight is widespread, our country is in serious trouble.
  4. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    This wouldn't have been going on with a Republican president
  5. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    What part of it?

    I would wager any of it could. Though the server is so unusual I can't state as a fact it would happen under a R.

    I know you're wrong on the lax view at state since staff of Powell and Rice were sending classified emails.
  6. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    Or sarcasm?
  7. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    I think that Hillary is so paranoid over a perceived vast Right Wing Conspiracy that she thought she would have better control of her email communication with a private server. Don't forget that she gave it to her attorney and server technician who did whatever they wanted to it before turning it over; and who I am willing to bet were not authorized to view the type of information on the server (i.e., top secret communication).

    She also knew that she would be protected by the Obama Administration and Liberals; both turning out to be true.
  8. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    She is a conniving, backbiting liar, and that's her positives.
  9. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    Shit stirring mostly, but how many of us email things that we could just say person to person now days, in order to cover our ass? Was as big a thing 7-8 years ago, at least for me.
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

  11. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

  12. Daddy Gee

    Daddy Gee Chieftain


    I would bet that most of this comes down to "I didn't want to go through the trouble of signing in to the secure, govt email account b/c it's takes soooooo long."
  13. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    I'm sure it has much more to do with trying to avoid FOIA requests or being able to use the type of mobile device she wanted to use for accessing her email.
  14. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    Remember when her excuse was, because I only wanted to carry 1 phone. Nobody called her out on the fact that you can have multiple email accounts on 1 phone.

    Then it came out that she has 2 phones so the 1 phone excuse is gone; and again crickets.


    The [itch bay] wears a Teflon pants suit.
  15. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    She uses an iPhone and a BlackBerry.
  16. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    Why do you think she bothers with a blackberry if she wasn't using state email?
  17. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    I didn't take the 2 phone bit to be about not being able to access more than 1 email account. I took it that she would t be able to access her government email on the iPhone and she didn't want to go between two phones because she preferred the iPhone. For the record, that sounds silly just typing it.

    But if she used two phones then I'm really mystified. Are we sure she used the blackberry - or just had one because she was issued it but didn't use it?
  18. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    I bet she was issued it and never used it
  19. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    She's been photographed using both
  20. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    I understand that her primary form of communication was the BlackBerry and she chose to use her personal BlackBerry instead of a State Department issued BlackBerry so that she could control where her emails were stored; as a State Dept issued BlackBerry would have stored the email on Gov't servers.

    There is also a concern that her personal BlackBerry security was less than the security of the State Department BlackBerrys; a real concern especially as she traveled to countries know for BlackBerry security issues.

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