POLITICS 2018 Midterms

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by CardinalVol, Oct 5, 2018.

  1. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod


    Sorry, but I let out a legit LOL when I saw this one.
    tvolsfan, kmf600, NYY and 3 others like this.
  2. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Not sure, but at this point I'd be scared to go against him.

    GOP should just send him to every battleground district to stump and they'd sweep.
  3. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    He does not [uck fay] around.
  4. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    *points finger in air*

    "You may vote against "candidate", but you will see a day when you regret it, and that day may be sooner than you think!"
    zehr27 likes this.
  5. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    I want Bredesen to win but still laughed at this
    tvolsfan likes this.
  6. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Funny is funny, period.
  7. RevBubbaFlavel

    RevBubbaFlavel Contributor

    NYT poll has Blackburn up by 14.

    If true and stays true, Kavanaugh clearly destroyed Bredesen's campaign.
  8. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Bredesen wasn't winning without some moderate and even right leaning votes based off his history in TN. He made a move to grab some of those votes by backing the K confirmation. I don't think he realized the severity of the D backlash but he wasn't winning on D turnout alone and he knew that.
  9. RevBubbaFlavel

    RevBubbaFlavel Contributor

    I agree. Bredesen's argument to do so is largely premised on the fact that he would not follow lockstep with Chuck Schumer and national Democrats. He had the chance to do so with the Kavanaugh hearings. Had he come out right as the Dr. Ford accusations were blowing up and said he did not like what the Democrats were doing (not even that he would vote FOR Kavanaugh) as opposed to waiting several weeks and then to just say he would vote for Kavanaugh, then its different story.

    Hindsight is 20/20 but he had a perfect opportunity to go against Schumer and he failed to do so, which gives a ton of force behind Blackburn's claim that he would just be a puppet of Schumer, et. al.
  10. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    He was in a corner either way.
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    This supposes that he is a political animal willing to ignore a credible account about a man up for an important position, immediately. You may be okay with that and half the country may be okay with that, hell maybe the whole world is okay with that-- it's wrong. There are still unanswered questions about Kavanaugh, and unlike with Clarence Thomas this time those questions may yet get answered one day.
  12. RevBubbaFlavel

    RevBubbaFlavel Contributor

    First of all, I don't think that is a supposition I am making. In fact, it was somewhat the opposite, although I can see it could go both ways. But I was assuming he really felt that way.
    Second, lack of knowledge of time, place, manner of important details like how you got home - really points out a misuse of the term "credible."
    Third, if he wasn't/isn't a "political animal" ignoring credible accounts of attempted rape, gang rape . . . then he belies that fact by claiming he would support Kavanaugh.
  13. NYY

    NYY Super Moderator

    He’s a career politician. So yes, he’s a political animal.

    Keep in mind, I’m still pissed off that the state I live in can only muster up his sorry ass, and Blackburn’s sorry ass for a senate seat.
  14. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Exactly. He rolled the dice when he was gonna lose on his current track. Kudos to him if that's really how he felt and would have voted if he was in that situation.

    Hes on the right side of that idea even tho it's probably not going to win him the spot.
  15. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    No, he's on the wrong side of that idea and the outcome really only underlines that it is only the politics of it that matter. If he were truly on the right side of it, him saying what he said would have kept him from sliding. He chose the politically expedient path, but with the wrong party. If he had said something supportive of Ford, he would have slid just the same but at least would be able to have stood for something.

    Folks saying "ooh, after that hearing, I couldn't vote for a democrat..." Ya, they were so crazy. Asking questions that were relevant to an accusation from a credible source. Nutso. The dems were not winning the senate. Pretending like Kavanaugh-maneuvering is what made that so is preposterous. Tennessee is red. Texas is red. Missouri is red. That's what is keeping the senate. Not refusing to wear kid-gloves because the GOP's idea of an impartial jurer is a former Bush staffer.
  16. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    It was a believable story from the sense it could have happened. She could have named any male of age in that area at that time and achieved that tho. Once you get past that it goes down hill quick.

    "Credibility" changed when it was a Trump nominee.
  17. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Lack of knowledge of the exact time or place is not at all unusual. Empirically, scientifically, it. is. not. Understand that using this as an argument is discarding everything we know about how trauma and memory works. Just understand that. You are saying neuroscience and psychological research is bullshit. Ford even spoke of this in her testimony, though people seem to have forgotten it. Ironically.

    The President called her credible. People on this forum who ended up thinking it was insane for the dems to fight Kavanaugh said immediately after she spoke on this forum that damn, she sounds credible. That was the raw, organic, natural reaction. Where'd they go? Tribalism. The implications. The cost. Remember, this isn't about convicting him and putting him in prison. It is about whether it is worth the risk to appoint him to a nonpartisan lifetime position of the highest authority. No one deserves or is entitled to that, there are a lot of candidates. As recently as this summer, it was stated that they had a list of dozens of equally qualified candidates.

    His saying he would support Kavanaugh is either a) political maneuvering to try to mitigate the reawakened tribalism or b) an indication that he is from a bygone era where questions like that can just be ignored.

    If I were in that state, I'd have to hold my nose to vote for him and would only do so because I think Blackburn may actually be evil.
  18. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Who said the Ds were gonna win the senate at any point? I'm on record in this very thread that Bredesen was probably gonna lose regardless and he knew that.

    He did stand for something. Your just pissed it didnt hang the guy that Trump put up. Thats were this eventually ended up. The Ds dont give $#!+ about Ford she was a political tool from the start.
  19. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    Ford's story was as credible as Swetnick's. They both wen't to high school in the same vicinity at around the same time as Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. They both had the same number of verifiable facts and witnesses and both waited 35 years to share their fable.
  20. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    The hearing was good for Ford from the standpoint that she came across as human, something easily lost in these types of stories in the media. But the more she talked the more holes appeared in her story.

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