The first go around, i would have said Raven was a lock for a long run. Now im thinking BOP might have enough fight in him to pull off a huge upset.
Not familiar with either man's work. Still undecided and willing to sell my vote to the highest bidder.
BOP's top 25 polls were a Monday highlight becasue of the utter failure. He's on about his 4th name now. He used the SAT score comparison to show he wa smarter than us, yet works as a entry level tech guy at a no-name place in Chatt. Got mad that everyone knew it, yet he had it on his visitor's page. Got called out by a druken milo one night on his second name that led to one of the greatest deleted threads in my tenure that included him naming the top 10 rejects of VN. Raven is just a troll having issues with his sexuality.