Best laptops out right now?

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by CardinalVol, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. 615 Vol

    615 Vol Chieftain

    The chrome book is good if you just browse the internet and like Google chrome. It starts up in like 2 seconds and has a long battery life.
  2. 615 Vol

    615 Vol Chieftain

    I've gotten used to windows 8 or technically 8.1. I just use desktop mode and don't really use the apps. It seems to start up much faster than 7.
  3. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    Got one for my wife's grandmother, and it works great for her. I think it was under $400 for a 14." HP model.
  4. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    Classic Shell makes it much more user friendly. That being said, it's full of bugs, and the fact they tried to incorporate both a traditional and mobile OS together is further proof that Microsoft needs to focus on what it's good at, dominating the home market and making things that work for the everyday business user. Microsoft's phones have proven to be a diaster on a lot of fronts as well. The Surface and Surface Pro are wonderful products though, and will give the iPad a run for its money at the right price point.
  5. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    I've questioned the utility of the ipad from the word go, and I still do.

    Like, I need my phone. I need my laptop. I'm certain I don't need an ipad, and I'm pretty confident that to the extent the things I need my phone and laptop for I could do on an ipod, I can do them much more efficiently on the phone or laptop.

    An ipad is great for five year olds. For adults, I think it's superfluous.
  6. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    A lot of people value the iPad's portability on trips and other functions, over the average laptop. Women love it because they can buy all the frilly accessories and make it what they would call "cute" to own. I have a client that has a 17.3" laptop that just sits at her house, and she takes her iPad everywhere.

    I prefer Droid products myself, and feel like my Acer Iconia tablet is better than an iPad, and cheaper.
  7. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Unless you want to show clients/patients/whomever high quality photos or whatever in something they can hold rather than a mounted monitor (thought about this, but the probability of some jackass dropping it and then me dropkicking him was too high) it is a toy. Fun, though. We have a laptop we do all our business stuff on and then pretty much all leisure browsing is done on the iPad. Keeps the business computer safer from viruses and stuff.
  8. 615 Vol

    615 Vol Chieftain

    I prefer my laptop but have an iPad that works better for travel, especially going through airports.
  9. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Ended up going with a Dell and will be running Windows 8.
  10. bigpapavol

    bigpapavol Chieftain

    This. iPad is just a really good browser or large phone. I do use one for note taking with a keyboard and a good word processing solution.
  11. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    I use it for internet and reading. That's it. I had intentions of using it for work in someway, but just never did.
  12. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    Install Classic Shell. It will make it MUCH better.
  13. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Is this easily reversible should I not like it? I'm intrigued.
  14. NYY

    NYY Super Moderator

    Has anyone dealt with the iPad mini that's out?
  15. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    It should be as easy as uninstalling it. We've done it several times for clients, and no bad effects. It even skips the Metro screen on the login, and goes straight to your desktop.
  16. Volgrad98

    Volgrad98 Contributor

    Curious, if the Classic Shell install makes Win8 better, why were clients wanting it uninstalled?
  17. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    My first sentence was directed as his post, not the rest. I've never had to uninstall it, but should have clarified better that we have "installed it several times for clients, and no bad effects". Sorry if that was confusing.
  18. Volgrad98

    Volgrad98 Contributor

    Gotcha. Thanks eric.
  19. NYY

    NYY Super Moderator

    Screw y'all.
  20. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

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