POLITICS Border Wall / Gub-mint Shutdown

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by Tenacious D, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    @Tenacious D
    I got all the site's basic information zipped up and ready to go. So this is my official offer of resignation for maintaining this site. I'll happily take a lot of things, insults or otherwise, but the one thing I have zero tolerance for is to be "dumbed at," which summarizes your last several posts.

    Do you accept, and if so, would you like the information emailed to you, or to a proxy?
    JayVols likes this.
  2. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    Maybe just shut down the political crap, seems to be pushing away a bunch of good guys.
  3. vols4sure

    vols4sure Member

    So people wearing "Make America Great Again" hats have been able to be verbally assaulted with no consequences but we want votes to be made public? And individual votes being comparable to elected officials' voting records is one of the most ridiculous analogies I have ever seen.

    I seem to recall a comparable "Change" slogan that did not get any where close to this kind of mainstream reaction from the right.
  4. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    He’s had to lock his account down due to the abuse, but I blocked it anyway. That was shitty.
  5. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Wouldn't have mattered. He wasn't in the way. He was the destination.
  6. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    Also if it’s easy for the kid to move because of all kinds of room, it should have been easy for Phillips to get through. I didn’t see him try.
    Volst53 likes this.
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    1. Makes untrue statement
    2. Shown to be untrue
    3. Wouldn't of mattered.

    Uh, okay.
  8. cpninja

    cpninja Member

    ok so we've got 800k federal employees being impacted by the shutdown(according to a quick google). How many paychecks do they have to miss before they're deemed more important than (some small percentage of funding for) THE WALL? At what point does "AMERICA FIRST" mean actual American workers who are demonstrably being negatively impacted?

    I'll hang up and listen
    JayVols likes this.
  9. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    What is a verbal assault, and how do you see it not fitting with the first amendment?
  10. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    1. Doesn't dispute statement.
    2. Acts smug while displaying a lack of mastery of the word "of".

    Also, if you see my original post on him moving you'll notice I made the same point at that time.
    zehr27 and emainvol like this.
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Because they are federal workers, many do not see them as "actual American workers," but actually as part of "the swamp." That this number constitutes the entire coast guard, Dept of Homeland Security including border patrol, and a host of things that most people do not even have any knowledge of but would like or do actually benefit from is beyond the scope of thinking in politics at this time. It will last until TSA and air traffic controllers and border patrol stop being able to function. That date is rapidly approaching, I don't think we see this go into March. Unfortunately, the results will not be easily reversible, and one example of that is air traffic control. About 20% of air traffic controllers are able to retire. You know how they can get paid RIGHT NOW? Retiring. Air traffic controllers already regularly work overtime to cover the needed hours with below normal staffing. Due to the hiring freeze and now shutdown, the pipeline of new ATC has been severely disrupted, and it takes years to get through the training and certification process. This means there will be a greater shortfall than present already, and the shutdown is making it even worse. It could get to the point where this has effects on air travel for years to come. It may already be at that point.

    That's one example. I know of others, but it is usually something similar with timelines that extend far beyond annual budgets being disrupted, and are legitimate government actions that support and help facilitate billion dollar industries.

    It isn't really the federal workers we should be concerned with. It's all the work they do that is not realized/thought about/appreciated that will have a massive impact on the economy over the next few years ALREADY. We are in uncharted territory. This is why more and more federal workers are being called off furlough to work for free. A furlough of "non-essential employees" for a week or two has a limited amount of damage that gets worked out over a few months. We are far beyond that, and there isn't many "non-essential" folks beyond some hypothetical libertarian re-imagining of the world. In the present, they're doing something that goes somewhere or affects someone at some point and is not so time-insensitive as to be stamped "never."

    In some ways, the "federal workers need pay" narrative obfuscates their functions and makes it sound like a New Deal work program building roads in Kansas.

    Just a little rant, sorry.
    gcbvol likes this.
  12. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Look at the photo. It isn't nut-to-butt. The drum guy walks over and people part (video) accept for this kid. Was he required to get out of his way? No. Was it a clear "message" or deliberate act? Ya, as much as the drumming for peace or whatever was.

    Sorry I didn't meet your message board grammar standards. I hadn't notice them before, I thought this place was more conversational in nature. I'm surprised you comment on your projection of me being smug when we are in a discussion about a kid blowing clouds of smug and getting simultaneously crucified and lionized for it. I guess I don't have the right hat on.
  13. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    That the Dems have prioritized their opposition to Trump and/or his intent to secure the southern border with a physical wall, are refusing and unwilling to do anything to prevent the unfettered access of illegal immigrants to come into the US across the unsecured southern border - or BOTH - over the needs of the furloughed Federal workforce is so obvious as to be self-evident.

    If there’s any other reasonable conclusion that is possible beyond those, I’ve yet to hear it, and I’d welcome learning what it may be.

    Of course, that the Dems refusal to close the southern border has long been directly, knowingly and intentionally hurting the American worker - particularly the least equipped and most vulnerable (eg minorities, uneducated, unskilled, etc.), is inarguably true. But that’s been so steady and easily concealed as to be almost imperceptible to most.

    What’s happening to the furloughed federal workers is more of the same, but which is now impossible to ignore or otherwise explain. And despite the many who assert that the shutdown is hurting Trump, it not only isn’t, but is only going to further help him, as this fact becomes further and increasingly clear to the American people.

    That’s why Pelosi cancelled the STOU, and why Trump egregiously erred in agreeing to its postponement, altogether.

    I’d have given it at the border, surrounded by both border patrol officers and victims of crimes committed by illegal immigration.

    But, were I Pelosi and the Dems, I would have definitely stopped the STOU, too, even as surely and sizably pay for that, and many times over, later. That the Dems were so obviously terrified of allowing Trump to make his case directly to Congress, and more importantly to the American people, should be a tangible signifier of which side truly thinks they have the high ground on this issue.

    Or, if alternatively preferred, if the Dems truly believed that Trump’s ideas / wall was so wildly unpopular and abhorrent to the American people...why in the world would they not have wanted him to give it on such a stage, and for as many people as possible to hear it. But they didn’t do that, did they? Weird, huh?
  14. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Uh, okay. You can also go back and check out the post you quoted in your post with the video and see that I made the very same point at that time. So, I don't get you acting like I'm backing out of something. OK, maybe there was room to maneuver. Congratulations on disproving an inconsequential part of the post. Wouldn't have mattered if he had moved, as I said initially.
  15. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    Federal workers don't give a shit if Congress fully funds trumps wall or if Congress funds none of it. They just want to get paid. When you're being affected by something you realize how little you truly care about most anything. That either side is claiming the high ground and have support from the workers and contractors is pure political theater. Democrats could just as easily pass a bill for 5.7bn in funds as the Republicans could pass a bill with 0. They're both responsible and from the looks of it neither side gives a shit about it yet.
  16. vols4sure

    vols4sure Member

    I know you are trying to be cute but threats of physical harm (i.e., verbal assault) are not protected by the first amendment.
  17. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    And this is the truest post made on the topic yet.
  18. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

    its a pissing contest between a few people that shouldn't be leader of anyone in anything
  19. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Most consensus I read is that it won't hit the fan until food stamps dry up in March.
  20. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    Reminds me of the blue agave shortage of the late 90s

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