DOMA Struck Down / Prop 8 Dismissed

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by gcbvol, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Spoon train.
  2. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    I have a creative imagination I suppose.
  3. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    I still find it unbelievable that anyone cares. I recently had a discussion with someone who I find very smart on most things and his response was "what's next, marry a horse?" Yeah, same thing buddy. I feel sorry for the poor dudes son because I'd put good odds he's gay.
  4. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I do too. I just see all the creative ways putting up with multiple wives could make my life a living hell.
  5. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    If it flies, floats, or ****s, rent it.
  6. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    My guess is polygamist wives are pretty old-fashioned/submissive.
  7. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    Oh I'm sure they are at first. . .
  8. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I can understand the religious objections to a degree. I'm religious, and if I'm honest, I'm not sure how I would feel if I didn't have a gay family member. If one doesn't want to marry a same sex partner, no one's forcing them.

    I mean no offense toward those in opposition, but I guess the thing that puzzles me is that those that trumpet the values of freedom and the awesomeness of this nation make up a significant portion of the opposition to this issue. I fall short, but I try to be a good Christian. However, I totally disagree with legislating through religion. It's fine if you're in the majority, but would be difficult being in the minority. Teaching religion is a personal issye to be done by the family. If we're depending on govt to uphold our religion, we're in trouble and need to examine ourselves. After all, govt never does anything right. Right?

    I don't understand what it is to be gay. I don't feel what they feel. I've had this discussion with my brother, and he understands my feelings.
  9. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    These type retorts frustrate me as well; nothing but intellectual laziness.
  10. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    It does some stuff well, but it's a really limited list. I also agree with your post.
  11. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    This is a great post, Jay. I understand that many folks have moral objections based on their personal, often religious, beliefs. I respect those beliefs fully, even when in opposition to my own.

    I realize that I overuse the hell out of this word, but it is all about empathy. There are all types of people and things in this world which we cannot fully understand. Rather than exhibiting the all too common human responses of fear or rejection, I strive to be as empathic as possible in directing my response, feelings and future behavior. This has and continues to be a key component to how I live my life, and is core in directing my thoughts and actions. It has served me well in life. Your example is a great one; it can be difficult with situations that we frankly have no chance of fully understanding, but how great it is when we actually make the effort to try.

    XXROCKYTOPXX Chieftain

    Interesting, is this the only book or are there others? What keeps one from omitting any other book of the Bible?
  13. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Can I be cool with GBC and hate NYY and call it even?

    Are we all ok with that?
  14. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    I too can understand the religious objections TO A DEGREE. I don't understand people buring calories on the matter. most of these people couldn't give two shits about any other people going out sinning daily. it's selective outrage that IMO is based in bigotry or at least as you put it "not understanding what it is to be gay." I'm of the belief that the vast majority of males are completely heterosexual (despite the theory that we are all bi or something) and find the thought of gay sex repulsive (i can't say i like the thought of it either). and IMO that's what this is based in. i.e. if i find something disgusting, it must be morally wrong. personally i coudn't care less as to what gets you going as long as i'm not involved. foot fetish? fine. want to be peed on? sounds disgusting as hell to me. but how is it any of my concern?
  15. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    I thought that was already standard procedure?
  16. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    I just wanted to make sure it was all cool with everyone.
  17. Oldvol75

    Oldvol75 Super Bigfoot Guru Mod

  18. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    I must defer to NYY. After all, he is far gayer and has been far longer than I. Allegedly.
  19. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    This is a good post, jay. I told my wife the day it happened that the striking down of DOMA should be one of the best things to happen to the modern day church. It's foolish for Christians who believe homosexuality to be a sin to put hope and faith in man and man's laws. Society's moral values should not be regulated by the government. Sadly, I hear more wailing over the ruling than an admittance or realization that this was the wrong way to go about establishing your beliefs within the public.

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