Mike Griffith wrote this article trashing Ethan Wolf using an anonymous "NFL scout" as his source. Say what you will, but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I don't really respect Mike Griffith for it. I'm not a huge fan of Ethan Wolf, and heck yeah he could play better, but to me this isn't journalism. Am I off?
It really helps you read Griffith stuff if you don't read it. But if you must, use Grover from Sesame Street's voice
There aren't many scouts that are going to rip into a player like that and expect it to be written down
I had already seen the article yet I was expecting something else from the Ethan Wolf Slam Piece thread haha.
Griffith is a clown and has been dating back to the Fulmer era. So far since he's returned from East Lansing he's been little more than a Butch mouthpiece, so you have to wonder if this is some bizarre motivational tactic from Butch. Regardless, it's incredibly weak to lay so much down on one kid like that. Ethan has never been in trouble or done anything to embarrass UT. And for crying out loud he plays tight end. He isn't really at a high impact position. Putting so much criticism on him while consistently ignoring the head coach and his weekly national embarrassments is just ridiculous.
Color me jaded, but this reads to me like Griffith was fed some shit to print in the hopes of motivating Wolf. Likely, from someone who plays a mean clarinet. That Griffith is a both a piece of shit and the singlemost dare-to-always-standing-by-for-Jones-and-with-a-straight-face is beyond any real argument. This is but another tile in his rich mosaic of being the world's best and worst shill, which is all he is.
Interesting. So what I'm reading here is Butch Jones and staff can't motivate Wolf, who has a brother on the team, so Butch told a writer to slam his Sr TE in the media. My goodness y'all are cray cray.
just seems silly to me. To each his own. If you think Butch wants to **** over a sr thru the media in that fashion, I don't blame you for hating him.
You're forgetting about Butch firing a coach for standing up about rape, punching a player, and repeatedly making asinine promises to players without following through. He's not a "high character" guy. He doesn't "know what he's doing." He has "poor hygiene" and "doesn't wipe properly."
I don't want to believe this stuff either, and tbh I don't know if I do or not, but he's done enough bizarre stuff that I just can't discount the possibility
Whether this is pass through from Butch or Griff's typical shickenshit reporting, it sucks. I'm eagerly awaiting Butch to defend his player.
that's what i'd like to see but at times if you address something it doesn't help, and i'm sure whatever he would say would be considered a lie here anyway. I get why people don't think Butch can coach and want him gone. I don't get being blinded by hate and assuming the worst of a person in every situation. That's foreign to me, but commonplace with some.
It sure didn't take him long to let everyone know his feelings when Haney's article hit last year that went after Butch himself. I eagerly await the same for one of his players.
I'm not assuming the worst of him, but do I think it's a possibility he put Griff up to this? Absolutely. Have heard way too much dishonest stuff from this guy. I mean, this is the "**** all of you" guy. This is the "we spent 14 hours of analytics on such and such bonehead call" guy. This is hold a big team meeting to tell everyone how committed you are to the program after shopping yourself to anyone that would listen for two years and moments before leaving for UT.