RIP Andy Griffith

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by WM, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. WM

    WM Active Member

  2. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod


    That sucks. He was awesome.
  3. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Well shit. I watched a lot of Matlock as a kid.
  4. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    IIRC, he lost one case.

    If him and the lady from Murder She Wrote had teamed up, they would have ended all crime in America.
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    And the one he lost was the only one where his client did it
  6. JohnnyQuickkick

    JohnnyQuickkick Calcio correspondent

    Hopefully somebody else will pick up the task of keeping Barney Fife in line. They'll have martial law in Mayberry otherwise.
  7. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Seems fitting

  8. alumvol08

    alumvol08 Active Member

  9. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    And the client lied to him, and didn't Andy end up nailing him on the witness stand anyway?
  10. WM

    WM Active Member

    AGS will probally always be my favorite show. I grew up on reruns on TBS.
    Goober died earlier this year, Richard Dawson, loved FF and The Running Man.
    If we lose Shatner this year I'm just gonna lose it.
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Loved the running man! Hunger games wishes it had as much swagger
  12. NYY

    NYY Super Moderator

    Honestly depresses me. It's awful seeing icons of your young life passing away.
  13. Oldvol75

    Oldvol75 Super Bigfoot Guru Mod

    I feel terrible, most of you guys know him from reruns, I remember the show when it was actually on. Just like the Flintstones use to be on prime time at night.
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Why were there no black people back then?
  15. Oldvol75

    Oldvol75 Super Bigfoot Guru Mod

    Don't know, the TV's were all Black and White back then.
  16. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    Same here OV, we watched AGS religiously. From age 14 to 20, I worked for my grandfather at his service station, and I went to his house for lunch every day. They had a TV in the kitchen, and every day we watched AGS reruns. It is one of my strongest memories of that part of my life. My grandfather had an enormous influence on me as to work ethic, honesty, and how to deal with people. I still watch them today.
  17. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    I was too young when my "giggy" died, but that brings back memories of days I'd help Dad on the farm and we'd come in for lunch and my granny would have a feast made for us. And she's say "Sorry I couldn't do more." Of course, there was enough food to feed a small army.
  18. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    There were a few, I remember at least one episode of AGS did. I Spy was the first show to have a leading character, Bill Cosby, who was black. The Twilight Zone had several episodes with black actors. But as a rule, there were few on weekly shows, mostly on variety or entertainment shows like Ed Sullivan. Sammie Davis, Jr had a show. There was a more recent Doctor show with a black nurse, but I cannot remember the names of either. I remember the line of the opening show where she calls in to ask about a job, and tells the Doc, "I'm colored", to which he asks, "well what color are you, not blue or green I hope". I thought it was a great line which I use any time I have the opportunity.
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Andy Griffith did have black actors on ags now and then, now that I think about it. Bold decision then. His main investigator was black on Matlock. It was the Flintstones that made me think about it.
  20. Oldvol75

    Oldvol75 Super Bigfoot Guru Mod

    The Flip Wilson Show, Dean Martin had black actors. As RB said, I Spy. Laugh-In

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