Going to have a special about him on E:60. I know it's a rough business but does every wrestling icon have to be a train wreck? [video=youtube;IiAoI-FmSCI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiAoI-FmSCI&feature=player_embedded[/video]
That's depressing. Did someone say Hey Yo? [video=youtube_share;rNkMwnsWdjc]http://youtu.be/rNkMwnsWdjc[/video] What about a toothpick throw? [video=youtube_share;XudvSRYDyHQ]http://youtu.be/XudvSRYDyHQ[/video]
E60 is on now but they're talking about Patrick Willis (who should have been a Vol), maybe Scott Hall is next.
The feature just went off. That's incredibly sad stuff. I'm not sure whose ass I want to kick worse. Bischoff, for being the typical blame deflecting piece of shit he's always been, or that maggot indy promoter who ran Scott out there in that shape.
Kevin Nash needs to pay that promoter a visit. Beat the shit out of him and spray NWO on him for good measure.
Steph McMahon made sure to cover WWE's ass by telling the world how they send Hall to rehab all the time.
For some strange reason, she failed to mention that the money they've spent for Scott's rehabs is pocket change compared to the money they've made off his image on DVDs, merchandise, and video games.
That's the dirty little secret. They can't be proactive. If guys aren't drunk or drugged all the time, they'll realize how beat to hell they are getting and quit working 250-300 nights a year. Then, the business model goes to shit.
Speaking of wearing down, Impact Wrestling is probably appealing to a lot of wrestlers that they film most of their shows in Orlando. I would think that cuts down on a lot of the travel that WWE guys do.
They might have a shot if they had someone like Cornette or Heyman running the show. With Hogan and Bischoff exerting power, they're screwed.