Im thinking the guy behind me wearing the the 2002 salt lake olympics hat is a romney lock. Jmo imo iyam vfl gbo
Evidently the Santorum campaign just straight up forgot to register to get Rick's name on the ballot in certain districts in Ohio. Really need to have him running the country.
Can't have any crazy Mormons in the White House. Didn't they fly those planes into them towers? If only Romney was a snake-handler. That would have gotten the 10 point snake rattle bump.
I dislike him more every time I see him. His damn name also sounds like sanitarium, which I associate with lots of disease, suffering, and hopelessness.
This is impossible. How can such an idiot keep winning primaries? Weird. Maybe he is like, actually good at some of this campaigning stuff.
He jumped in states before he ever stepped foot in there. He's living off a primary day where he was the only candidate to set foot in the state. I guess more of my question is at what point did "social conservatism" = conservative. I just don't get it.
At least half of it is social conservativism. Can you win as a Republican at the national level and be pro-choice? And it has been that way since Lee Atwater got involved with the Republican Party. And it will stay that way until conservatives no longer believe (or care) about that issue.
I know and get that. The fact that we've got 1000 issues facing the country and people are supporting a candidate based on two that aren't that important right now is infuriating, unnerving and sad.
I completely agree. Romney being a Mormon hurts him on this account. Not because he is a Mormon per se, but he can't flex his own traditional values without opening a can of worms on the technicalities of his faith.
I find it funny that Romney's hopes hinge on Cuyahoga County in Ohio. This is exactly where Kerry's eyes were focused in 2004.
Every election hinges on it now. Watching this analysis tonight and listening to the exit poll dats from a wide range of states truly reveals how splintered the gop is right now.
I think its time to compare romney to 06 florida. Not flashy, wins ugly, had an ugly loss, but in the end won it all.
Primaries - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from Ok, someone please explain this to me.